Chapter Three - Shocking News

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-Aries POV-
Jay was sitting on her couch watching her favorite movie, The Titanic, when suddenly she got a FaceTime call from Tommy. "Hm, Wonder what he needs." She shrugged and picked up her phone after pausing the movie.
"Hey Tommy, what's up?" She could hear his soft, anxious breathing at the speaker. "..You okay?" She could also see his face was rosy and he was sort of sweaty, contributing to his breathing. "S-Somewhat.. But I called to tell you something." Ari nodded. "Go on." The boy took a deep breath in, and started talking. "You know how I got all red and froze on discord in front of everyone?" The blonde nodded, remembering the odd scene. "Well.. I looked over it and uhm.. I'm gay." Jay's bright blue-green eyes widened. "Wait, really?" Tommy nodded. "Wow, who would've ever guessed?"
Tommy shook his head. "Anywayysss, who's the lucky boy?~" She snickered. Tommy glared at her for a good minute and a half with an annoyed expression showing in his ocean-blue eyes. "OOOOOOHH! Ranboo! Yeah yeah, I knew that!" She said, giggling nervously "Anyways, Have you told anyone else yet?" Tommy shook his head. "You're the first to know." Her eyes shone. "Well, Lucky me! Alright anyways, is there anything else you wanna tell me?" Tommy nodded. "I also wanted a few tips on how to handle my emotions.. because, y'know.. You're a lesbian and all of your fans know it and eventually I'm gonna have to tell everyone else including my fans an-" She stopped him. "Whoa whoa whoa, slow down. Deep breaths." The boy sighed. "Okay, okay, deep breaths." He inhaled slowly, and then let a breath out. "Good." The blonde said. "You've gotta remember dude, I didn't tell my fans until almost a year later, so just slow your horses and give yourself a minute okay?" She said as Tommy nodded softly. "Alright, well I've gotta go.. I've gotta do the strawberry dress stream with Puffy." She groaned, almost gagging at the words 'Strawberry Dress.' "Well, Goodluck." Tommy said jokingly.
"Thanks, mate." Tommy nodded. "Alright, see you later." Jay waved her goodbyes and hung up.
I sighed. Shit... I reeeally don't wanna do the strawberry dress stream... but oh well. We reached the subgoal, and that was a promise.
She plodded gloomily nextdoor to Cara's house, just the thought of her wearing a pink dress made her shudder. Pink was her least favorite color. When I had arrived, I knocked on the door and a girl, a few inches taller than me opened the door. "Hi, Cara." I sighed, somewhat exasperated. "Hello." She said back, "You ready?" I let out a soft huff. "Not. At. All." Cara laughed. "Alright, we gotta get inside." She walked inside, and handed me a pink dress with darker pink polka dots. "The bathroom is down the hallway, second door to the left." I nodded, and made my way over to the door, opened it and quickly changed before looking at myself in the mirror. Hm, I don't look half bad I guess. I shrugged and walked out, closing the door behind me. The first thing I saw was Cara, standing in the center of the living room with the pink dress on. Her skin was practically glowing, as of the window she was standing in front of. My face was becoming warm, I could feel it. I then swallowed hard, containing my anxiety and walking confidently over to her. "I'm ready to start." I said, hoping that she couldn't see my light rosy face.
"Sweet! I'll go get the cameras and start setting up. In the meantime, You can find Bubble and Blue. I'm sure they'll be glad to see you!" She said, walking away. I sighed, and began searching for the two cats. Op, there's Bubble. "Hi, kitty." I said, gleefully stroking the cat's soft cheeks. I slowly became bored, and decided to play my guitar until Cara was ready to get the stream going. I walked toward the bag that I carried with me down the sidewalk to Cara's house. I unzipped it, taking the item delicately out of its case. When I closed it, I went and sat on the couch, taking a good look at the chords before actually playing it. I played a simple, but decent-sounding tune.

- Puffy POV -
I was grabbing the cameras from my room for the stream. When I had the ones I needed, I walked out, closing the door behind me. I looked around, and then made my way to the living room. I could hear a
strumming sounding from the spacious area, but I really didn't mind it. It sounded really good. Must be Jay playing. Wow, she's actually really good! I walked over to where she was sitting, and stayed there for a minute, my face slowly turning pink. She looked really pretty in a dress. And since Jay was more on the tomboyish side, she'd always been picky about wearing girly things. So I'd never really gotten to see her in a dress. I approached her quickly, knowing she hadn't liked being crept up on. "Hey, Jay. You ready?" The girl turned around to look at me, somewhat startled. The guitar sounds had ceased. "Oh! Yeah." I nodded. "Alright then, let's get started." Jay got up to quickly go put her guitar away. After setting up the cameras, I clicked the 'Go Live.' button. "Alright chat, is the camera on?" I said as everyone in the chat started spamming 'Yes!' "Alright, Jay went to go put something up so she'll be here-" As soon as I'd said that, Jay walked in with the dress on. I could feel my face warming up. She's really cute.. "Alright, I'm here. Are we ready?" I nodded quickly, turning back to the camera. "Alright, you guys are telling me that the camera is working, so let's get started!" I had three options for donations. $5 Karaoke, $10 Dare, and $15 Music/TTS. The first donation that popped up on screen was $5, for one round of Karaoke. "Alright, I'm gonna put up a poll of a few songs and you guys will decide. Okay?" They all agreed to that and I began putting songs on the list. The options were: Heather, Sweater Weather, Put your Records On. The first one that everybody chose was Sweater Weather, and it was cut close too, by 30% both and 40% for Sweater Weather.

After the stream, both I and Jay were exhausted. We had done a lot of Karaoke and Dares, and someone had even dared us to kiss! We both disagreed on that one.. me and Jay were only friends.  After Aries had left, I sat on the couch and decided to scroll through my fyp. The first thing I saw was: Donation dares Aries and Puffy to kiss! My face went a bright red, I could see it through the reflection. I turned off my phone and decided just to relax a little bit. I silently walked upstairs to grab a blanket and pillow. When I found my favorite blanket and pillow, I grabbed them and trekked back downstairs. I laid on the couch in a comfortable position, and slowly drifted off.


Thank you for reading this chapter of 'I Don't Deserve You'!
I'm SOOO happy with how this turned out.. and damn it's gonna get way juicier.. so prepare yourselves >:D
You are loved,

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