begginings of summer !

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                  ━━━━━━ ☀︎,━━━━━━━...‥・


       The Scooby Gang. You know, the kids who're always creating mischief around the island? always trespassing, stealing beers, running from cops, doing illegal shit in general. the teenagers are living up to their title today, huh?

      They had snuck into an under-constructed house on figure eight, the same thing have have done since school ended for the summer.

      John Booker Routledge was practically dangling off the roof of the large house, beer in one hand & the other in the air to help him stay balanced in the large building. Pope Heyward poached slightly below the booker boy on the dock, antagonizing him with a nail gun. JJ Maybank, seated next to Aaliyah Caddel on a scaffolding they had climbed up a few minutes before, as they both looked up at their idiot friend who could've fallen and splattered on the concrete like a bug.

      "I give you about a one-in-three chance of survival," Pope said, almost dryly towards the brunette boy three stories in the air. Aaliyah picked her head up from the floor, as she smiled up at the boy. "You should take those odds JB," she nodded up towards the roof, shooting John B a sarcastic smile.

      The Booker boy paused and stuck his finger in his mouth, then put it in the air to check the wind direction. He asked, "Should I do it?" looking down at Pope, Aaliyah, and JJ doing the same before looking back to John B. "yeah," 

      "You should jump," Pope said, angling the random nail gun up toward him. He had picked it up when they first got there.

      "I'll shoot you on your way down," he added,

      "You'll shoot me?" John B asked, before making handguns of his own and fake shooting them at the boy below him.

      Aaliyah savored the moment as she gazed at the cloudy horizon, resting her chin on her wrists. She enjoyed spending time with friends and forgetting all about her father's troubles. In Outer Banks, she drank beer, smoked joints, and lived life to the fullest. These peaceful moments were a source of happiness for her. However, her thoughts were immediately broken off by the sound of another female voice, Kiara Carrara. Aaliyah was still confused about the kook (pogue??) girl, but she didn't mind her being there -- she just thought it was a little off that a girl like her wanted to hang out with people like them.

       "They're gonna have Japanese toilets with towel warmers." the curly-haired girl walked out of the building, onto the wooden deck standing next to Pope.

      "Of course they are why wouldn't they?" the blonde boy's voice beaming from beside the blonde girl. Aaliyah didn't know what it was or how to explain it, but something about him made her go crazy. "Hey, wasn't this a turtle habitat or something a while back?" Aaliyah asked the girl, taking a sip of the beer that was once planted in between her thighs.

      "Yeah, but who cares about turtles, I guess?" Kiara looked up at the two blondes, then up to the boy on the roof.

      "I can't have cold towels," JJ said, looking up at the blonde-haired girl, with a goofy smile on his face -- to which Aaliyah snorted in laughter and turned her head away. The truth was, that JJ made Aaliyah feel safe. She didn't want to admit it, but in a way, looking at him made every part of her hard persona melt into a beating heart for JJ Maybank.

      It was like, how ice melted at the contact of heat, or how a plastic cup meets a lighter, a candle being lit -- and how the wax melts around the glass jar. It was very odd for the blonde. She never felt like this before. Romance was never a thing for her, it was always grab-and-go.

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