002, kaliyah, the best besties of the obx !

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      Aaliyah, who had now walked eight more minutes into the figure eight -- had finally reached the house of her curly-headed best friend, Kiara Carrera.

      The blonde girl had walked around the big white house to get to the young Carrera girl's bedroom window.

      It was weird for Aaliyah to be friends with Kiara. She never understood why Kiara would rather hang out with the four kids on the cut when the richer people were right in front of her—having all this money, hanging out with kids who have never been left home alone without a hundred bucks on the kitchen table. It honestly never pieced together in the blonde girl's head.

      Aaliyah saw that the girl's bedroom light was on, so she picked up a handful of little rocks from off the ground and started tossing them up at the window, eventually gathering attention from the curly-haired girl on the other side of the glassed window.

      A smile formed on Kiara's face as she slid the window open enough so she could poke her head out.

      "Aaliyah, what are you doing here?" the Carrera girl whispered, looking at the blonde girl with a confused face, as it was almost five in the morning -- and in the middle of a hurricane at that.

      "Long story, but can I stay here tonight?"

      "What, did you and JB get into a fight?" Kie asked, looking at her with a confused expression as she stepped away from the window, opening it more so the blonde teen could come inside.

      "yeah, he literally kicked me out of the château and said I could never come back," Aaliyah spoke sarcastically as she climbed her way up into Kiara's bedroom, slipping through the window and closing it behind her.

      "Yeah okay let's go with that." Kiara laughed, looking back over to Aaliyah noticing she was soaking wet.

      "Ali, why the hell were you walking in a hurricane, are you insane?" Kie asked, walking over to her dresser and pulling out a silky white pajama set.

      "Kie, we both know I'm insane" Aaliyah smiled playfully, in return, Kiara lightly threw the pajamas at her.

      Aaliyah pushed the wet hair that was stuck to her face behind her ears, before picking up the pajamas that landed at her feet. "Is it bad out there?" Kiara asked as she looked out the now shut window, as the bushes dividing her and the Walker family's house rapidly moved with the wind.

      "I mean it wasn't like, horrible when I was out th--" Aaliyah started, before being cut off by the room going dark. "--There," the blonde finished the word, looking around the room before looking up at Kiara.

      "I take that back, I practically almost flew away" Aaliyah joked, earning a giggle from Kiara as she picked up a lighter and lit up a candle that sat on her bookshelf.

      "Yay, no power!" Kiara laughed sarcastically, lighting all the candles she had around her room.

      "Don't you have a generator? I mean, you're rich, right" Aaliyah asked, slipping on the pajama set Kiara gave her while putting her wet clothes in a Walmart bag.

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