# fifteen

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the pogues stood on popes dads boat, aelia stood next to jj by the steering wheel, as john b pulled out the drone the pogues stole a few days before.

"all right ladies and gentlemen," john b started, looking between pope as he put the 360 drone into the ocean. "- to going fill look."

aelia watched from besides jj as john b began to lower the drone. it hit the water and sank deeper as kie unraveled the tether.

pope watched the screen as he steered the drone. john b was watching the ipad with the view of the boat and where the treasure was, "all right, jj, we're right over it. ten seconds northwest."

"got it! ten seconds northwest," replied jj as he began turning the wheel. pope put aelia on lookout, so she just watched jj do his thing.

"one hundred feet!" kiara called out, viewing the red stripe that went around the wire.

from where he was watching the drone's camera footage, pope let out a gasp. "what? what, what, what?" john b asked, rushing over to his friend.

"it's nothing," pope admitted. aelia just assumed he had saw something move across the camera view.

"don't do that to me man," jj yelled.

"my bad," pope replied,

"just thought i saw..." he trailed off at the end. obviously it was nothing significant. "and to quote the hobbit 'down, down, to goblin town. down, down, you go my lad.'"

"pope, shut up." aelia grumbled, putting her head down on the dashboard / now sitting next to jj.

the pogues fell silent for a little bit, in concentration aelia guessed. jj moved a hand from the steering wheel, placing his right hand on aelias lower thigh \ he noticed she was tensed up.

the whole boat was silent for what felt like an hour, before kiara broke the silence / "four hundred feet!"

aelia hadent noticed jjs hand on her thigh until he gave her a reassuring squeeze, making aelia lift her head up / to smile at the blonde boy.

thunder began rumbling as kie looked towards the water, "the tides turning." john b looked at the ipad to see the boat getting farther from where they wanted to go, "hey, jj?"

"yep?" questioned the boy, his eyes not leaving the wheel. "ten seconds easy, all right? south, south-east easy, all right?" replies john b as jj looks at the boy, "copy that."

"jj, twenty seconds mid-speed, all right? south."

"copy that! aye. aye."

"keep the tether out of the prop!" yelled jj towards kie who was trying to pull the tether away from the back of the boat,

"i'm trying!"

"jj, keep goin'!" john b called out, making jj take his hand off aelias body and placing both hands on the steering wheel of the boat

"john b, is that good?" jj called out, looking behind him for an answer.

"we're good, we're good!"

summer sadness ( jj maybank )Where stories live. Discover now