The Snootsforce

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Ting ting ting ting.

I was slightly woken up by a slight but startling noise. I couldn't tell if I was dreaming or not.

Tap tap tap

The noise continued.

I rushed to put in a new pair of contact lenses. I checked my watch to find out that I had been asleep for about 2 hours.


Judy and Nick were awake now too.

"What the fuck was that?" Nick asked.

"I don't know," I replied, "it seems like someone is tapping on something."

"Could be the Slammerjams," Judy said, "waking us up for dinner or something."

The noise continued again.

"Okay it's not the Slammerjams," Judy said, "'cause it's not coming from the door."

"It sounds like it's coming from the corner," Nick said.

"I'll go check it out," I said.

The noise sounded once again.

"Right there!" I said, as I pinpointed the tapping noise, "at the bottom of this wall right by the corner."

I bent over where the noise was coming from.


It sounded right next to my ear.

"Who could be tapping on the wall," I said. I then proceeded to put a paw on the wall and found it to move slightly.

"So," I said, "there is a loose piece of the wall right here."

"Like," Nick said, "it's not attached."
"Yes it's not attached," I said, "It moves when I touch it."

"Escape plan maybe?" Judy asked.

"Who knows," I said, "maybe if I try to move it a bit more."

I gave it a light push and it started to fall away from me.

"WATCH OUT WATCH OUT!" shouted a high pitched voice from the other side.

"Oh I got it," said another voice.

The piece of the wall then stopped falling and stayed in a diagonal position.

"Oh shit shit is much heavier than I expected," said one of the voices, "Let me just lower this and DROP IT!"
The piece of metal hit the ground with a clink. We then looked through the hole to see a Marmot wearing an Obituary t-shirt and shorts. On top of the marmot's head was a tiny Shrew who was wearing an Avatar shirt and ripped jeans.

"Uhhhh," said the Marmot, "introductions?"

"Oh yes," said the Shrew, "I'm Rachel Shrewsbury-Bipperson, an Etruscan Shrew, Zootopia's Smallest Metalhead and possibly smallest mammal."

"Chuck Clifton here, Yellow Bellied Marmot, and sound tech at the Bergen Inferno bar and venue."

"Alright," I started, "Snowy Lucifer Celsius Broden, Arctic Fox. Student at Zootopia University and vocalist for Dethbrush."

"Judy Hopps, European Rabbit. Originally from Bunnyburrow, former police officer and guitarist for Dethbrush."

"Nick Wilde, Red Fox. Zootopian native, former popsicle hustler, and also guitarist for Dethbrush."

"Okay Snowy," said Rachel, "I legit thought you were Johannes Eckerstrom."

"Me too," said Chuck.

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