Electric Boogaloo

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Laine and Josh had a wonderful time dancing and talking. They met a married couple and talked about relationships and family. They even voted together at the booth set up for the contestants. They both thought it would be funny to vote for Sharon and Bob, the drunk couple. They were also married, and coincidentally good friends with Nick and Mary(the first married couple)which they found out during voting. They all went to school together. They were a little bit older than Laine and Josh but they all got along swell. Everybody at the party did. As they slipped their ballots into the box, Josh looked over the crowd and gave Bob a goofy thumbs up. Bob yelled some sort of gibberish, his beer spilling down the side of the mug. Laine laughed. At the end of the night, the announcer came on the speaker once again, for a final announcement.

"You all were just lovely tonight!" he began, "many dancing and smiling people! After all, if you may not be a winner tonight, at least you had fun!" The crowd laughed. "But enough with my yammering, let's announce the winners!" As the crowd clapped and cheered in anticipation, the announcer was handed a little card that determined the fate of the evening. "Due to such a popular vote, and what the judges and I saw tonight, we have come to a very clear decision. May the winners of the evening, and this lovely champagne, be Mr. Kiszka and his gal, Ms. Harmon!" Laine and Josh couldn't believe it. The spotlight pointed to their little table for two, and the crowd went wild. In the thrill of the moment, Josh kissed Laine again. This time, with all eyes on them. Everybody cheered more, watching the two celebrate. Laine's head was spinning, and after the passionate kiss, she tapped his face, pretending to slap it. The judges presented them with the champagne bottle, and they popped it together.

"Oh Josh, tonight's just been lovely!" Laine said as Josh poured her some champagne. She took a sip, as Josh poured himself some as well. They toasted to their new relationship, and indulged in more fries.

Josh and Laine eventually made it back to the fitting rooms, and Josh unlocked room three again. Laine changed first, slipping back into her pink dress from the start of the evening. The champagne had given her quite a buzz, but Josh had remained sober for the drive home. Laine's cheeks were flushed from the alcohol.

"You look good in everything." Josh whispered in her ear, as he passed her to enter the fitting room. Her legs turned to jelly. He was an incredible flirt. Always caught her off-guard. When he changed back into his dress shirt and pants, they went back to their table to grab their things. Before they left, many people came up to them, starting up conversations. Friends of Josh were thrilled to meet Laine, and they all congratulated them on their win and their new relationship.

Josh drove her home at the end of the night. He helped her out of his car, and walked her to her door. They chatted for a few minutes more. Then, with a kiss, they said their goodbyes, and Josh slipped away into the night.

The next morning, Laine woke up with a headache. She groaned, getting out of bed slowly. Her muscles hurt from the dancing last night. She wondered how she was ever going to keep up with her new boyfriend. And even just with a little alcohol in her system. She always managed to have a hangover.

She washed her face, and memories of last night came back to her. She couldn't help but smile. And she remembered how easy it was to fall asleep last night. She was only full of happy feelings. But then, her head buzzed some, bringing her attention back to her aching body. So she made her way to the kitchen to start some coffee.

Laine was halfway through her morning routine when she got a call. Her heart palpitated, and she found it ridiculous that she got so excited when Josh called, simply because this was the first time she'd ever felt like this. She breathed for a moment before answering the phone.

"Good morning, Laine." Josh was just getting over his morning voice, and the sweetness of his voice made her feel drunk again.

"Good morning." She smiled, still with her morning voice. She rubbed her eyes and fought the urge to yawn.

"Hangover?" Josh chuckled.

"How'd you know?" You said, unenthusiastically.

"You told me on our... third date. I remember." He said softly.

"I just feel lovely today." The sarcasm in her voice slightly playful.

"I bet. Tonight I'll go easier on you."

She paused for a second. She thought that her hangover was making her hear things.

"Tonight?" She asked, very confused.

"Well, I mean... if you're not busy of course." He said, almost mischievously.

"No, I'm actually off today... Thank God." She laughed nervously.

"Good. Then it's a date!" Josh sounded excited. Laine but her lip fighting back a smile.

"Can you at least tell me where we're going?" She asked.

"Well, I figured since yesterday was so intense on our feet, we could grab some coffee at a diner downtown, and then we could go watch the orchestra that's playing close by. It's very low key."

"An orchestra?" She was shocked, but pleased.

"you know, the usual." He said with an enthusiastic sarcasm, making Laine giggle.

"Well, since you insist, I must come."

"Excellent!" I'll pick you up for coffee at three, how does that sound?"

"sounds perfect, Josh." She fiddled with a button on her sleep shirt. After he hung up, she sat there for a moment, until realizing how much she had to do to get ready before three.

A few hours later, Laine heard a knock on her door. She frantically looked at the time while dancing around the room in an attempt to pull her pantyhose on. It was 2:47! She should have known that Josh would be a bit early for these things, but she had never had a date that arrived on time. It was almost routine for her to expect this.

Finally, she managed to situate her tights, and she slipped on her black heels, stumbling to the door. She opened the door, and there Josh was, holding a rose, so put together. And Laine was trying to catch her breath from the pantyhose incident.

"You look lovely." Josh said to his beautiful date.

"And you..." She panted, enchanted by her handsome boyfriend. Her silence implied how good she thought he looked.

"This is for you, Elena." He handed her the dark red rose. He remembered her favorite flower.

"Joshua." Her heart melted, as she smelled the rose. She then gave her boyfriend a warm hug. She snuggled into his tux. He smelled like expensive cologne.

"Shall we?" Josh smiled, taking her hand.

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