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After Josh insisted that he pay for their meals, they were on their way to the next event of the evening, the orchestra. They had spent two hours at the diner, chatting and refilling their espressos, and now they were going to be able to relax even further at the concert.

Upon arrival, a beautiful colosseum was presented in front of them. Both were taken aback by the architecture of the place, and Josh studied it.

"This place looks wonderful, Josh." Laine said as they walked into the building together.

There was a beautiful red carpet floor that drew Laine's attention. On the walls were paintings, and a flowery wallpaper. It didn't look tacky, it was just subtle enough to bring the entire place together. Chandeliers and warm, ambient lighting illuminated the place with a familiar gentle glow. After looking around for a moment, they started for the reception desk.

The man working was on the phone, holding it to his ear with his shoulder. He was moving around file folders and seemed to be very busy. He took notice of Laine and Josh, and promptly wrapped up the conversation with the other person on the line. Then he sat the phone down.

"How can I help you two today?" The man said.

"We're here for the Orchestra that plays at seven." Josh answered. The man nodded, shifting over to his computer. He typed for a few moments.


"Kiszka. Josh Kiszka."

"Alrighty. We got you two down for seats 76 and 77." He finished up typing, and grabbed a stamp among the dozen that were there.

"Hands please."

They gave him their hands, and he stamped them. They read, "ROOM 9". Then he gave them two tickets that listed their seat numbers.

"Thank you." Josh said.

No problem," The man responded, "it'll be just down the hall there, make a right, make a left, and keep going until you see room nine."

They nodded and then they were on their way.

As they walked into the appetizer room, many more chandeliers appeared, and there were appetizer tables everywhere. It was magnificent. Laine had never been to such a fancy event, and her eyes lit up, looking from one table to another. There was a fireplace too. Magnificent sculptures sat in the corners of the room, and by the fireplace.

"I know we just ate but I'm going to have to try the appetizers." Laine giggled. She led Josh over to the closest table, where there were skewers of lamb bites, shrimp tartlets, sushi, and all the other hors d'oeuvres you could think of. Laine grabbed one of the mini plates and started filling it up. Josh joined her, as they danced around the table, trying every hors d'oeuvre. Other couples were there just as Laine and Josh were, and they seemed much more posh, but they didn't care.

Laine made her way over to the wine and champagne table, and picked one of the glasses of blood red wine. Josh did just the same.

"I can't believe how fancy this place is." Laine smiled through her glass of wine. It was already up to her lips.

"It's absolutely perfect." Josh drank with her. Laine's eyes scanned the room, looking amongst the people, when suddenly, she focused on one couple in particular.

"Josh!" She started, grabbing his arm, "Isn't that Nick and Mary?"

Josh turned around, as she pointed them out to him. And it was indeed.

"What a coincidence!" Josh said, "let's go up to them!"

They were talking up a storm with another couple when Laine and Josh appeared. Nick and Mary turned to them, before realizing who they were.

"Well, if it isn't the couple of yester-evening!" Nick was pleased to see their appearance, "Josh, Laine, I'd like you to meet our dearest friends, Mabel and Mitchum."

They turned to the other couple, and Josh extended his hand out to Mitchum.

"Wonderful to meet you Mitchum!" They shook hands, firmly, "lovely to meet your acquaintance, Mabel."

Josh took her hand, and he placed his other hand on top.

"Lovely to meet you, Joshua." Mabel was impressed by his gentlemanliness.

"Laine, you're stunning!" Mabel turned to Laine, and brought her in for a hug.

"Thank you!" Laine smiled in the tight embrace of Mabel.

"You look just as Mary described you!"

"Looks like we had similar plans." Nick nudged Josh's arm, gesturing at their dates.

"It appears that we have." Josh smiled.

"Only the finest activities for our ladies."

"Indeed." Josh took Laine's hand and kissed it.

"You two are just the most charming." Mary said, reminiscing over her younger years with Nick.

"They are indeed." Mabel agreed.

"She's absolutely perfect." Josh looked at her fondly.

Laine began to blush. It was a vicious mixture of Josh's flirting, and the wine she had been drinking.

"Darling, I remember those days." Mary turned to Nick. He kissed her.

Their love and compassion for each other still stood as strong as the day they met, especially since they had decided not to have kids. It had always just been the two of them, and they wouldn't have it any other way.

"Have you seen the wine table?" Laine told them.

"It's astounding." Mary said.

"This place completely exceeds our standards." Nick looked around the room, and back to the other couples.

"Where are you two sitting? We're all sitting in the 150's." Mabel asked.

"We're a little closer to the stage, in the 70's."

"Oh that's a shame," Mabel started, "wonderful seats though!"

"Yes, I was elated to see them still available!" Josh mentioned.

Everyone chuckled. They were all charmed by Josh, and this made Laine feel wonderful. She took another sip of her wine, and ate a cube of lamb meat.

They talked for a few minutes more, until their appetizer plates were empty.

"Well, I suppose we should go and find our seats in the next room before too many people crowd the area." Nick suggested.

"I agree, Nicholas." Mitchum chimed in. They each set their glasses of wine and plates on the table next to everyone else's finished glasses and dishes, and made their way to the entrance doorway.

"We'll meet here after the concert." Nick announced. They agreed, and then departed.

"My, her cheeks were flushed from the wine." Mabel mentioned to Mitchum. Laine faintly heard her, but pretended she didn't. She cupped her warmed cheek, and Josh chortled. He had also heard Mabel.

"You're fine, my dear." He kissed her head, as they walked to their row. Laine lightened up about the comment.

As they sat down, people were whispering as the lights dimmed further. The wine Laine had calmed her, as she snuggled into Josh's arm, linking hers with his. Josh's cheeks heated up as well, as he took note of her move. His heart began to beat just a little faster, as her head rested on his shoulder. And she smelled lovely.

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