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Laine was fatigued from her day at work, and decided to go casual for the evening, since she was going to Josh's house. Day by day it was getting colder outside. They were still having warm days, but it was abnormally chilly on this particular day, so Laine put on a comfortable pair of jeans and a T-shirt, and threw on a jacket that matched. After she touched up her hair and makeup, she brushed her teeth again, and then popped on her black Ugg's. She was all ready for the evening at her boyfriend's house, and she grabbed her purse before leaving the house and locking the door behind her.

As she arrived, she was welcomed by a lovely flat that was illuminated with many warm lights. The yard was in lovely condition, and she could see more lights leading to the backyard. A little white jeep sat in the driveway, which told Laine she was at the right house. She parked right beside it before turning off her car and making her way to the front door, hugging her jacket. She rang the bell, and there was no response. She looked around before she saw Josh hopping over his own fence to come and greet her.

"I apologize, Laine," He rushed to her, "I didn't tell you we were in the backyard."

He looked pleased to see her, and Laine was positively pleased to see him. It had been a whole week. He kissed her before embracing her in a warm hug. He was wearing a white sweatshirt and khaki pants. He had no shoes on.

"Josh! Where are your shoes? It's freezing!" Laine scolded him. Her hands on Josh's waist.

"I was wearing my sandals and I kicked them off to hop the fence." He chuckled.

"Do you guys have a fire going or something?"

"We sure do!" He grinned as he walked her to the fence gate.

"Good, because I don't think I could stand it much longer out here otherwise." Laine wrapped her arms around Josh, snuggling close to him as they walked into the backyard. Josh slipped his Birkenstock's back on.

The place was beautifully lit. There was a concrete patio, where a working grill, and a man with long hair was standing. There was a table for four with an umbrella above it, and the fire pit was flaming. The smell of wood smoke and grilling meat filled the air.

"Laine!" Jake turned to meet her, "how've you been?" He closed the lid of the grill before coming over to greet her with a familiar warm hug. He smelled like teak and a single cigarette. Josh informed everyone that he was going to the bathroom, and then slipped inside the back door. Then he was out of sight.

"I've been great, Jake. How about you?" She pulled her sleeves over her wrists. Jake noticed that she was cold.

"Come, sit by the fire, and food will be ready in a matter of minutes," He led her over to the fire, and sat her down, "I'm doing lovely. Thank you for asking."

His face was illuminated by the firelight. and his deep brown eyes looked incredibly familiar. It was astounding how much the twins looked like each other, even with Josh having a mustache, and Jake having long hair.

"I'm glad." Laine smiled up at him. He extended his hand, which was soon occupied by Laine's, and he kissed the back of her hand, before going back over to the grill.

Laine sat on the log bench, as she warmed herself by the blazing fire. She was mesmerized by the way it moved, and the way it lit up the space around it. The sounds of grilling made her hungry. Plus, she hadn't eaten since she got home from work.

"What do you do for work, Laine?" Jake asked. Laine turned around to face him.

"I'm a barista." She said, almost playfully.

"A barista?" Jake looked intrigued, and impressed, "so that's why you smelled like espresso."

They laughed as Jake turned a slab of meat.

"What do you do, Jake?" Laine turned the question to him.

"Funnily enough, I work part time as a bartender," He mentioned, "and I love to play guitar, so occasionally I pick up a gig or two around town."

"Wow, that's amazing," Laine said, "How's bartending for you?"

"It's nice. I like the atmosphere, but the worst part is I have to stay sober on the job."
They laughed again.

"Believe me, I know. When I make those sweet coffees for customers, I crave them so bad."

"Those sugar bombs are death sentences."

Just as it was her turn to speak, Josh came back out. He smiled at her, seeing her get along with Jake so well.
"what'd I miss?" Josh rubbed his hands together, peering over Jake's shoulder to see the status of the cooking meat. It was dripping with juices.

"We were just talking about work, but I think the steak is done."

"Oh good, I'm starving!" Josh

"Me too." Laine agreed, leaving her seat to go meet them at the grill.

Jake placed the meat on a large plate, then transported them over to the table. Josh and Laine took a seat, and Jake went to get something.

"Josh this is lovely, thank you for having me over like this," She looked at him fondly, "your house is beautiful."

"Thank you darling, and it's always a pleasure spending time with my one and only." He took her hands in his, and they looked into each others eyes. Jake reappeared, this time with a bottle of wine and some glasses and silverware. As he sat the items on the table, Josh placed the first piece of steak on Laine's plate.

"Jake, this looks absolutely delicious." She complimented him.

"Thank you Laine." He sounded proud, as he poured the glasses of wine. Josh served himself a piece of steak, and then Jake, who then sat down with them.

As they dug in, they chatted about many things, such as how Laine and Josh met, and the night they became a couple. Since Jake was there, he wanted to hear about what he had missed. They talked about their families, and Laine acquired more details about the band they had in their youth. Josh occasionally hooked his foot around Laine's, and she couldn't get enough of it. The way he would look up at her while their feet were intertwined. And he looked so lovely tonight, though he always did.

After they indulged in the fine delicacy of grilled steak, they cleaned up, and retired to the living room, where Laine had finally warmed up.

Jake's guitar was resting on the loveseat where he was sitting earlier, and Josh and Laine took the couch. Laine snuggled up against Josh, and he put his arm around her. She felt her face begin to flush. She put her arm around Josh's waist behind his back, and her other she rested on his stomach. His sweatshirt was incredibly warm.

"Jake, wanna do some Dylan?" Josh suggested, as he situated himself with his guitar.

"Sure!" His eyes lit up, "I remember our old Dylan covers."

He began to pick out a song, fumbling with a few chords until settling on a progression.

"Ah, I remember this one." Josh reminisced, recognizing the tune.

Jake began to sing. "I will not go down under the ground,"

Josh then chimed in at a higher octave,
"Cause somebody tells me that death's comin' 'round"

Laine looked up at Josh fondly, taken aback by his singing. The two sang perfectly together, and though she didn't know this particular Bob Dylan song, she admired Jake's incredibly accurate Dylan impression, and it both amused and fascinated her.

They kept singing, and she picked up on the melody and whistled along, and the part that repeats, "let me die in my footsteps, before I go down under the ground." It was quite a deep song as she sat and heard the lyrics, but she had always appreciated that about Dylan's music. After the tune was over, they moved onto one she knew, "Don't Think Twice, It's Alright." She was able to harmonize with the two, and together, they had a lovely jam session. Jake's guitar nearly put Laine to sleep. It didn't help that Josh was running his fingers through her hair as well.

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