Oysters!!! (1 mnth pt. 3)

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As the waiter returned with their iced teas, Laine and Josh had settled on what to order. Josh began first.

"I'll take a prime rib." He said.

"And I'll have a beef tenderloin." Laine followed.

"Also may we each have a glass of white wine? It would pair lovely with our meats."

"Yes of course," He wrote in his notepad, "we'll be back with your entrée's promptly." He stuffed his notepad in the pocket of his apron before leaving for the kitchen.

"We'll see which one's better." Laine taunted.

"I bet it's the rib." Josh teased.

"It's the tenderloin. everybody knows that's what you get if given the option." She stated, sipping on her iced tea. She took the lemon and squeezed it into her drink.

"That's what you say." Josh replied, flashing her a smirk, as he fiddled with his straw.

A few minutes later, the waiter arrived with their food and wine. He sat down a juicy tenderloin, and a perfectly cut prime rib. Laine and Josh gave each other a competitive look.

"Here you are." The waiter adjusted the plates for them. He then placed the silverware on the table, which was wrapped in dark red cloth napkins. The food looked divine. He placed wine glasses and then filled them with a beautiful bottle of expensive white wine.

"Thank you, sir." Josh said to the waiter.

"Of course!" He nodded, wearing a grin, "the wine will be yours for the evening as well." He placed the battle next to them.

"My, this is excellent!" Laine admired the service, and the expensive wine, "and the food looks marvelous!"

"Only our finest tenderloin meat." He turned to her, Laine's eyes shifted to Josh, flashing him a smirk.

"What about your prime rib?" Josh interjected.

"Oh of course sir, all our meats are raised in the most pristine conditions, and then imported with the utmost care."

Josh mimicked Laine's expression.

"Everything's alright isn't it?" He asked.

"Oh yes," Laine started, "just wonderful, thank you!"

"Of course, if you two need anything, just flag me down."

"Thank you, sir. And when are the oysters coming?" Josh asked.

"In thirty minutes."

"Oysters?" Laine mouthed to Josh in confusion.

"I'll leave you two to your dishes now, enjoy." He then made his way back into the kitchen.

"We're having a special treat after our first course." Josh smiled, cutting into his prime rib.

"Oh Josh!"

"Have you ever had oysters before?" He asked.

"No." She giggled.

"I think you'll like them. I hope you'll like them."

"I'm sure I will, Joshua." Her expression softened, as she looked at him fondly. As Josh took a bite of his prime rib, he made the loudest, dramatic moan of delight.

"Josh!" She tried to quiet him.

"Oh this is so delicious I think I might-" He took another bite and moaned louder.

"Josh I mean it, someone's gonna think we need a doctor." Her face flushed.

"You should try yours. I bet it's nowhere near this divine." Josh stated with a raised voice.

"Oh Josh." Laine rolled her eyes as she took a bite of her steak.

She moaned, louder than Josh, "this tenderloin is so extraordinary!"

Josh started to blush as well, as she gave him a taste of his own medicine.

"Oh Josh, I bet you've never had a tenderloin as juicy!" She fanned herself dramatically. People were looking at them, but they were having so much mischievous fun.

"Josh, you have to try my tenderloin." She flirted, exaggerating the last word.

"Mmm, I suppose I will." He played along stupidly, mimicking her. They both giggled, as he cut into her tenderloin. He took a bite, and then paused. Then he rolled his eyes.

"It tastes better." He sighed.

"Let me try." Laine said anxiously.

She cut a piece off his plate and popped it into her mouth.

"You're right!" Her eyes lit up with fiery passion. She won.

They both laughed and talked until their cuts of meat were finished.

The waiter came back to their table once they had finished their plates. As it grew dark outside, Laine was fascinated by the way the deck outside was lit.

"Are you two all finished with your main courses?" He asked.
"Indeed we are." Josh answered.

"Josh, since we're going to have oysters can we sit there?" Laine asked him, pointing to the seat just outside, closest to the sea.

Josh then promptly turned to the waiter and requested to move seats before the oysters.

As the waiter left, Laine had a smile on her face.

"Our new seats await, shall we?"

The waiter soon arrived with the beautiful tray of oysters, and Laine's eyes lit up.

"Josh this is marvelous!" She gasped, as he sat down the tray. It was beautifully garnished.

"Sixteen oysters from right over there." He chuckled, pointing to the ocean view.

"Oh my!" Laine took a sip of her wine, which was perfectly dry.

"Enjoy your oysters." He smiled before leaving to go tend to the neighboring tables out on the deck.

"How do you eat these?" Laine was intimidated by the seafood.

"Look, I'll show you." Josh picked up one of the tiny forks on the tray, "you take the fork and wiggle the stuff inside to make sure it's loose from the shell... and then you just-" He proceeded to dump the whole thing in his mouth. "Then you chew it a few times." The oyster muffled his speech. Laine analyzed the steps, and picked up her tiny fork. She did the steps, and then slurped the oyster, and it was divine. Josh took a sip of his wine, watching her enjoy her first oyster.

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