Sergio Leone

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By the time they were done playing, it was nearly ten. Laine was so relaxed by their playing, and practically being swallowed up whole by Josh's sweatshirt.

"Do you guys wanna watch a movie?" Jake asked, "we still have a couple hours left before I gotta roll."

Jake always seemed to have somewhere to be. And it was always a mystery. But Laine didn't care, she just wanted to spend more time with Joshua.

"That would be lovely, Josh." Laine looked up at Josh.

"Yes it would!" Josh looked down at Laine, stroking her hair, and then his lips pecked hers. She couldn't help but smile.

"What are we gonna watch?" Laine asked the two of them, before Jake went over to the shelf of movies to look through.

"What are you in the mood for?" He asked, softly.

"Anything really."

"You're easy." Josh smirked.

"Josh, what about some Sergio Leone." Jake held up "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly" for them to see, wearing a smirk.

"Jake, you always pick that one." Josh chortled.

"Oh, it's a classic." Laine sided with Jake.

"Okay. We can watch The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly." He pretended to sound unenthusiastic, before cracking a smile.

"Great!" Jake got up to put it in the DVD player.

"We won't be able to finish it though." Laine added, sounding sad.

"Damn. Well, we can next time!" He suggested.

"I suppose you're right." Laine agreed.

Jake got the DVD going, and they settled into their seats, Jake taking a seat next to Laine, since the TV was on the wall behind Jake's previous seat. Laine was surrounded by good smelling men, which made her smile, and then giggle.

"What, Lainey?" Josh turned to her, chuckling.

"Nothing." She calmed her giggling.

"Do I smell?" Jake teased.

"Quite the opposite." She looked over at Jake.

"Oh I see..." Jake pondered.

"Girls don't make sense." Josh joked, which made them all laugh again. The movie started, and the three settled further into their seats.

As the movie went on, Jake got up to go to the bathroom, which left Laine and Josh alone together.

"Has tonight been okay?" Josh asked her.

"Josh, of course. It's been perfect." She kissed him on the cheek. She had her arm around him, and she caressed his neck with her fingertips. Her wrists covered with the sleeves of her hoodie.

"I'm glad." His expression softened as they gazed into each others eyes. As Laine looked at his lips, she was brought back to last week, where Josh had kissed her in the car. She was still wanting more. Then, she remembered her dream again, and especially how Joshua looked in the dream. Her face turned a bright red as she broke the gaze and looked down. Josh's eyebrows furrowed, before his attention was soon brought back to the film.

As Jake entered the room again, he had acquired popcorn.

"popcorn!" Laine smiled.

"Hand it over, Jake." Josh grabbed at it.

He gave Josh and Laine the bowl.

"Save some for me." He chortled.

"Here, Laine. You hold the bowl." Josh gave it back to her. Each twin then promptly dug their hands into the bowl, making Laine giggle again before she grabbed a piece for herself.

After a little while longer of sitting and watching, it was time for Jake to go. After he announced he was getting ready to leave, they turned off the movie.

"Jake, it's been lovely hanging out with you again!" Laine said.

"And you as well, Ms. Harmon." He responded, charmingly. He went to go pack up his acoustic, and Laine also began to gather her things. They made their way to the door, and Josh slipped on his Birkenstock's once again, to walk Laine and Jake out to their cars. Jake's car was parked in the street. He had moved it before Laine arrived so that she could park in the driveway. As Josh waved goodbye to Jake, and he climbed in his car, it was time to say goodbye to his girlfriend.

"Laine," he started, holding her hands in his, "you're amazing."

Josh came in close to Laine, looking in her eyes before kissing her. Laine dropped Josh's hands and brought her own up to the back of his neck. Josh grabbed her hips. She already had her fingers in his curls before their lips separated. They froze there for a moment. Laine was desperate to go back in for more, but she remembered what had happened when she did that the last time, so she stayed put. Laine could feel Josh's breath grazing her lips. Suddenly, his lips once again inched closer towards Laine's. They almost met hers before he pulled away leaving Laine unkissed. Then he went in again, Laine doing the same, and he pulled away again. Laine couldn't stand it, and to ease the tension, she cracked a joke.

"Oh you tease," she nearly whispered. She was trying to ignore the fact that her legs were violently weak. Josh knew what he was doing to her, which was why there was a slight indication of a smirk on his face. He then finally gave her the last kiss of the evening. Her stomach was swirling as he squeezed her hips. It was quite a passionate kiss, especially since Laine knew she wasn't going to get anymore tonight. Their lips left each other's again, and Laine looked at the boy while tasting his kiss. She didn't want to leave.

"I suppose I should get going." She hid her sudden sorrow through a smile.

"Yeah, I suppose so." Josh seemed a bit sad as well. They stood there for a moment, until Laine's hands left the back of Josh's neck, and cupped his cheeks. She rubbed them with her thumbs before flashing him another smile, and letting her hands fall down against Josh's chest. She then walked around to the driver's seat of her car, and got in. She waved goodbye to him as she pulled out of the driveway, and drove away.

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