Lunch at The Diner

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Joshua and Laine walked to the car, Josh's hand around her waist. Josh opened up the door for her, and helped her in.

On the way to the diner, they talked about last night's events. Chortles and chuckles filled the space as Josh maneuvered through town. Laine was impressed with his driving. She was impressed by every aspect of Josh at this point. He was so charming.

Arriving at the diner, Laine fiddled with things in her purse, and checked to make sure she had everything with her. This gave Josh time to walk around the car, and by the time she was done, there he was, waiting for her.

How come you're so chivalrous?" Laine finally asked.

"The problem with today's society is that women have to ask that to a chivalrous man." He reciprocated wittily.

"Well, you don't have to be this way just for me you know."

He helped Laine out of the car. As her second foot hit the ground, she stumbled in her heels, and Josh was there to catch her.

"My, how convenient that I was here when you stumbled." He joked, "You should rid of those damn heels, woman!"

Laine laughed, placing a hand on the front of Josh's tux.

"They look stunning, but they're quite an inconvenience from observation. I know I couldn't walk in them."

"Oh we'll just have to test that sometime." Laine teased.

They walked into the diner together, and were seated at a table for two at the window.

"I love the window seats." Laine's eyes were already lost in the sight of the street, where many pedestrians and cars wandered.

"Then we're fortunate today." He smiled.

"Very fortunate." Laine's eyes softened as she looked at Josh, fondly.

A few minutes of footsie later, the waitress appeared, presenting two glasses of water before their order.

"My, aren't you two stunning!" The waitress complimented them, "What can I get for you folks today?"

"You're just wonderful!" Laine said to the lady, "I'll have an espresso, and some of your chicken alfredo." Laine pointed at the laminated menu.

"Good choice," She scribbled in her notepad, "And for you, sir?"

"I'll also have an espresso, and your bourbon steak."

"Excellent! Coming right up!"

She took their menus, and before they knew it, she had disappeared into the kitchen.

"Alfredo, "Josh pondered, "you're a pasta girl."

"I've had pasta on at least two of our dates." She tapped his arm playfully.

"That's right, how could I forget."

"Plus, the espresso combats the carbs. I get sleepy after I eat carbs."

Josh seemed to love everything about her. She was warm and inviting, and Josh could see that. She had a system for everything. A strategy. And she was always prepared, except when Josh caught her off-guard.

"it's genius." Josh was charmed by her system.

They sat and chatted for a few minutes more when the waitress arrived with their food and coffees.

"This looks marvelous, doesn't it Josh?" Laine was starving, she couldn't wait to dig in.

"Very much so!"

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