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During the whole concert, Laine and Josh were commenting on every nuance. Everything that drew their attention, they discussed. They were very involved with the performance, and it turned out to be quite an evening. The wine had run its course, and she found herself nervously close to Josh. She couldn't recall a time where she had ever felt like this towards any man. Josh was the exception. And her heart practically jumped out of her chest any time she was with him, or heard his name.

After the concert, The six met up again as planned, by the theater entrance.

"Wasn't that just lovely?" Nick asked the couples.

"Yes I just adored every part." Laine chimed in.

They continued to talk about the concert as they walked out to their vehicles. It was nine o'clock, and dark outside. They were reminded of the approaching winter as they relied on the lights in the parking lot to maneuver to their cars.

"Laine, Josh, it was so lovely to meet you." Mabel brought them both in for one big hug.

"You two are extraordinary." Josh chuckled as he patted Mabel on the back. When she let go of them, Josh and Laine both hugged Mary as well. Josh then bro hugged Nick and Mitchum, and when all goodbyes were said, They departed for their cars.

"An excellent evening well spent." Josh smiled as he helped Laine into the passenger seat of his car.

"It was wonderful, Josh." She smiled back, as he kissed her hand once again. He paused for a moment, looking in her eyes, then at her lips. Then he lifted her chin with his index finger and kissed her. Long and slow. Then when the kiss was over, Laine tried to go in for more, but he swiftly pulled away, gave her a wink, and closed her door, heading around to the driver's side of the vehicle. Laine kept replaying the wink in her mind as she tasted his lips on hers. When he got in the car, she almost couldn't breathe.

Laine insisted on turning the radio on, only because she was so distracted with that kiss that she knew she wouldn't be able to bring herself to participate in small talk. They listened to the rock n' roll station all the way home.

Laine found herself in the kitchen, making dinner. She was home alone, but the amount of vegetables she seemed to be chopping said otherwise. The clock read "7:30" exactly. It was dark out. In the midst of chopping vegetables, she heard a knock on her door. She laid down her knife, and went to go answer the door. She opened the door to see Josh standing there, in his attire he wore to the orchestra.

"Josh?" Laine asked, very confused.

"Laine... I love you." He admitted. He had a single rose in his hand. This time it was white. He gave it to her.

"Oh Josh... This smells lovely." Laine smelled the rose. It smelled like Josh's cologne.

"Do you love me too?" Josh asked her, hoping she'd say yes.

"I-" Laine started, before Josh cut her off with a kiss. Long and slow. She dropped the rose onto the floor as Josh invited himself in, closing the door behind them. Laine's face felt fiery, as they stumbled into the living room, dropping articles of clothing with every step. Her hands danced all over Josh's chest as they made their way to the bedroom.

Josh slammed the door with his foot as he unhooked her bra. As it fell to the floor, she completely surrendered to Josh. He laid her gently on the bed, as he nipped at her panties with his teeth. Finally, when she couldn't take it anymore, he slid them off of her, and discarded them onto the floor. Her legs were dangling off the bed, so she scooted down further, until her toes touched the floor. Josh was biting her thighs as she situated herself for him. She was sitting up now, and she played with his curls. Josh's warm breath on her heat caused a falling feeling in her stomach. As his tongue grazed over her swollen vulva, she moaned, moving her hips to his advantage. He had a strong grip on her thighs as he worked his tongue around her clit. Once he nearly brought her up to orgasm, he stopped. Laine caught her breath as Josh took his two middle fingers and lubricated them with the wetness of her heat. Then as he inserted his fingers into her, she moaned even more. Josh kissed her with her essence on his lips as he fingered her. He started to go faster, and Laine leaned back on her elbows, watching Josh work his magic. He began to lick her clit again, and sometimes even bit it, which would make her jump. And then just before he brought her up to climax...

Laine shot up out of her bed from the sound of her alarm clock on her phone. She quickly reached over to silence it, but the reach was too far, and she fell out of bed. She yelled a profanity before settling on the floor where she had fallen. She remembered that she had work today. Then, she remembered her dream. She held her breath as the scenes replayed in her head, then she groaned before clumsily getting back up to start her morning routine.

She had her coffee, then she had her shower. Then she had more coffee, and made some eggs and toast for breakfast. She put on some seventies folk music, and did her makeup after brushing her teeth. Then, before she knew it, she was off to work.

It would be another week until she saw Josh again. Sure, he had texted her everyday to check in, and asked her a very specific question about her favorite birthstone, but other than that, she hadn't heard from him. Until Friday afternoon, that is.

Laine heard her phone ring in the other room, as she sat down her Hemingway book to go answer it. It was Josh.

"Hey Josh." She smiled, looking down at the floor.

"Hey beautiful." He flirted. Laine's legs were already weak. She went to sit down.

"what's up?" Laine asked, since he hadn't really called for a week.

"Jake and I have actually been hanging out the past couple days," he sounded happy, "sorry for the lack of calling."

"It's okay, I've had work all this week anyways, in fact, I just got home," she explained, "I'm so glad you two are hanging out again though!"

"Yeah, surprisingly I've actually missed the idiot." He chuckled.

"I would say I relate but I don't have any siblings." Laine joked with him.

"I was wondering if you'd like to hang with us this evening?"

"Oh Josh, I'd love to!" Laine agreed.

"Good!" He sounded thrilled, I'll send you my address again, and please stop by whenever you like. We're planning to go until eleven!"

"perfect! I'll be over there in a couple hours!"

"I'll see you soon, Elena."

Laine was always so enchanted by Josh.

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