Chapter 1

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(Opening theme)


Japan, Tokyo 2006

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Japan, Tokyo 2006...
It's morning in the city of  Tokyo.In a small house lives a young family. Blaze, Stella and their 5 year old son Marshall! Blaze and Stella was getting ready for work while Marshall was getting his primary school uniform on. The phone began to ring! "I'll get it it's probably for me!" Blaze shouted from the next room. "Hello Dikashi I'm about to leave for work, no Dikashi! Look Dikashi I'm just following the companies protocol. I'm an engineer for your power plant and I don't like unexplained energy levels so I need a meeting! Make it happen..." Blaze said talking to Dikashi through the phone. The young family left the house. Marshall ran to the school bus and Blaze and Stella got in their car. Marshall waved at his parents who waved back. "He's growing up so fast. (Sigh)" Stella said smiling at Blaze. They left heading towards the Nuclear Power station, where they work.
Stella was with 5 other in a room that was filled with other closed doors. One of the doors opened and they placed masks on their faces to protect each other from the nuclear radiation. "Okay let's make this quick!" Stella said. "Dikashi have you seen these reading?" Blaze asked walking into the main control room. "Yeah maybe it's not the best time to call for a meeting!" Dikashi said looking at the computer. "What's the source? Where's the upper centre?" Blaze asked. "We don't know, but it keeps getting stronger..." Dikashi answered. "It must be centred somewhere." Blaze said confused Like everyone else. A large earthquake began and only the power plant people could feel it. Inside the large tube Stella and her team began to panic. "We're turning back let's go!" Stella shouted looking back seeing a pipe explode releasing nuclear radiation. "Oh my god. Blaze we're coming to back there's been a breach. We're heading back to the containment room!" Stella shouted through the walkie-talkie.
"Stella if there's been a reactor breach you won't last with or without your protective suit for 5mins. You got to run honey! You have to run now!" Blaze shouted through the walkie-talkie in panic. Meanwhile Blaze was getting ready to leave the control room to head to the containment room to meet Stella. "Keep the doors on manual use." Blaze said to Dikashi. "No I cannot do that!" Dikashi shouted at Blaze who was by the door. "Just keep the door open my wife is still in there!" Blaze shouted. Blaze ran into the containment room as fast as he could. He pressed a button on the control panel. "Dikashi tell me the doors are on manual?" Blaze asked. "Manual yes, but Blaze we're starting to breach!" Dikashi shouted through the mini speaker. "I'm already here! As soon as they are through I'll seal the doors!" Blaze shouted back.
"Stella! Stella are you there!" Blaze asked through the walkie-talkie. Stella as her team are running for their lives, but one of the members fall over. They stop to help their team member. They watch as the silver smoke comes towards them. "Blaze I'm here. You're going to have to leave us! We're not going to make it it! You have to close the doors to save the City!" Stella said through the walkie-talkie. "No-no don't you say that! Just run as fast as you can honey!!!" Blaze saids to the walkie-talkie, withtears begins to develop in his eyes. "Blaze you have to live for our son, Marshall!" Stella shouted through the speaker of Blaze's walkie-talkie. A huge bang and earthquake began and stopped. Blaze saw the silver smoke coming towards him very very fast. He screams and presses the close button and the door closes just in time.
Blaze has his head on the door frame, crying very hard, because he just lost the love of his life and he was panicking on what to tell Marshall. He heard nicking on the window and saw the team trying to get him to open the door. "I'm sorry..." Blaze whispered. He then sees Stella walking at the door looking through the window. He begins to cry harder. Stella takes her mask off. "Take care of Marshall..." she saids to Blaze. Blaze just nods. "Be a good F-father! We didn't make!" Stella saids starting to cry. The Bulkhead doors begins to close in front of the doors. Blaze cry's harder and harder until he hears the building beginning to fall apart and runs for the exit. Meanwhile at school Marshall was in his class listening to the teacher until the power goes off and everyone has to evacuate the city. Marshall sees his parents work place falling apart and stands by the window watching...

A Paw Patrol Fanfic: GodzillaWhere stories live. Discover now