Chapter 3:

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At lunchtime they were in the canteen wondering what to do after school. Marshall then had a idea. "Hey guys I might have an idea!" Marshall said exited. "Go ahead Marshy!" Skye said blushing. Marshall and the rest of the pups just looked at Skye confused. "What?" Skye asked making them all laugh. "Anyway please continue Marshall..." Rocky said. "Why don't you guys come to my house. I've got something to show you guys! But all of you must keep it a secret! If anyone finds out I could get in trouble with Monarch and my dad!" Marshall said. The rest agreed to Marshall's terms and conditions. "Okay we're going to Marshall's house!" Chase said smiling. "So what shall we call our little group?" Liberty asked. They began to think. "How about The doom bringers!" Zuma said getting a 'are you serious' look off the others. "Or............ What about the Paw Patrol!" Marshall said smiling nervously. "That's a great name Marshall!" Rocky said smiling. "Okay from this moment on, we will be known as the Paw Patrol!" Chase said smiling at his friends.
4/30 hours later, the Paw Patrol arrived at Marshall's house. "Well here we are home sweet home!" Marshall said smiling. Skye very quietly giggled to herself. Blaze walked into the front room and saw Marshall and his new friends. "Hey Dad!" Marshall said hugging Blaze. "Hey son welcome home and I see you brought guests back aswell!" Blaze said happy that Marshall has friends. "Can I show them our secret?" Marshall asked. Blaze thought about it and smiled at his son. "Of course! Let's go!" They began to walk to the entrance of the garage door, which was in the house (so you don't have to get wet while going to your car!). "What your about to see is a massive secret! I work for Monarch and this is our project!" Blaze said smiling proudly. "Marshall's very own Titan!" Blaze said smiling. They saw a 7 foot tall baby Titan in the garage. "I want to introduce you guys to my Titan! Godzilla!!!" Marshall said smiling happily.
Skye, Chase, Rocky, Zuma, Rubble and Liberty gasped. "Woah! It's so cute!" Skye said smiling. Marshall smiled happy that Skye like Godzilla. "If you want Skye you can pet her!" Marshall said smiling and blushing. "Okay!" Skye said exactly. Marshall walked up to Godzilla and placed his hands on her face to pet her. "Okay come over Skye..." Marshall said smiling. Skye walked up to Godzilla and began to pet her. "Woah her skin is so rubbery and bumpy!" Skye said happy. Godzilla closed her eyes softly growing happy enjoying the attention.

Time Skip - half way through school year...

The the pups grew very close to each other especially Marshall and Skye. Godzilla had been taken to Monarch HQ to learn how to control her power and because she was getting way to big to live in the house with Marshall and Blaze. It is Friday and Marshall and the pups walked through the school corridors. They noticed Sweetie and her friends coming towards them. "Oh no this looks like trouble..." Chase said nervously. "Oh look girls! The freaks patrol! Hahahaha!" Sweetie laughed along with her group of friends. "What do you want Sweetie?" Marshall asked. "You! I would like to be your girlfriend Marshy!" Sweetie said flirting with Marshall. Marshall began to feel uncomfortable. Skye growled quietly enough, so no one heard her.  "Ummmm, no thanks Sweetie... Let's go guys!" Marshall said nervously. As they began to walk down the school corridor, Sweetie turned around angrily. "Skye! How's the life of being single? I bet I would get a boyfriend, but you'll never get one! No boy likes you Skye!" Sweetie shouted from the corridor then walks away.
   As the Paw Patrol continues to walks away, Skye begins to cry. After the turn to a corner Skye leans onto the corridor wall and starts sobbing. Marshall notices and runs over to Skye. He takes Skye in his hands and begins to hug her. Skye hugs Marshall back. "It's okay Skye I'm here..." Marshall saids comforting her. "B-but she said no boy likes mheeeeeee!" Skye sobbed in Marshall's arms. The rest of the pups just watched and listened smiling. "Skye listen to me! You are the most beautiful girl I've every met! Don't you dear listen to Sweetie!" Marshall said. "Marshall, your really think I'm beautiful?" Skye asked sniffing and trying her best not to blush. Marshall smiled. "Yes I do Skye! I love you so much Skye!" Marshall said blushing. Skye began to cry in happiness. "I love you too Marshall!" Skye said hugging Marshall tightly. Marshall then kisses Skye on the lips. Skye widens her eyes, but enjoys the kiss and deepens the kiss.
                 The rest of the Paw Patrol begins to cheer and congratulating the new couple. The y then began to walk towards the main doors with Marshall and Skye holding hands. As they headed to their cars, stood by Marshall by his van. "I'll see you Monday." Marshall said smiling at his new girlfriend. "Okay I'll see you Monday. I'll call you over the weekend! I love you so much Marshall!" Skye said smiling. "I love you too Skye!" Marshall said smiling happily. Marshall and Skye kissed each other and got in their cars and headed home for the weekend. Marshall reached his house and saw Blaze sitting on the sofa watching tv. "Hi dad!" Marshall said smiling. "Hi son. You're more cheerful than usual!" Blaze said smiling. "Yeah I'm extremely happy, because I finally asked Skye out!" Marshall said smiling happy. "That's great son! What did she said?" Blaze asked proudly of his son. "She said yes!" Marshall said happy. Blaze and Marshall hugged and celebrated all night...

A Paw Patrol Fanfic: GodzillaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin