Chapter 9:

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(The picture on top is how Walter Simmons looks)

Skye's POV...
While they were driving us somewhere I held on to Marshall's arm, because I'm really nervous and scared of what they have planned for us. "I'm scared Marshy..." I said quietly. "Me too Skye..." Marshall said hugging me tightly making sure I felt safe. The rest of our friends were also nervous. Liberty was actually sitting on Chase's lap hugging him. "So what do you kids know about Titans?" Walter Simmons asked us. "Not all Titans are evil!" Marshall shouts at Walter Simmons. "Hey do not tell me what type of Titans there are! To us there all bad! See this badge I can do what ever I want and get away with it. I'm going to lock you up forever Marshall!!!" Walter Simmons said sternly. Marshall looks at him angrily...

Marshall's POV...
I just want to go home and spend time with my girlfriend Skye, but no I have to go in this van with this crazy person named Walter Simmons! And to make things worse my friends and girlfriend are here too. I just want Skye to be safe. Why is that so hard to ask for? The van hits something really hard and we fall off our seats. "Skye! Are you okay?" I asked Skye kissing her forehead. "I'm okay thanks my prince..." Skye said hugging me. We heard large footsteps and two giant hands broke through the windows and lifted up the van. We all shouted and eventually the roof broke off the van. The van fell to the ground and broke all four wheels. We looked up and saw Gojira! "Gentlemen I would like to introduce you to our friend Gojira!!!" I said smiling at our Titan friend...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2022 ⏰

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