Chapter 8:

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Marshall sat down next to his father and Dr Serizawa! "What's going on Dad?" Marshall asked. "Marshall has Gojira explained everything to you?" Blaze asked. "Yeah he did..." Marshall said nervously. "Okay that's good so where are the glasses son?" Blaze asked Marshall. "I think they should be in my bedroom I'll go and check now dad!" Marshall saids going to his bedroom with his friends to find the glasses. "Okay guys start looking for the glasses!" Marshall said beginning to look through his things. Skye began to smile to herself. "Hey marshy shame our friends are here we could be making out on your bed right now hehe..." Skye giggled making Marshall blush. The rest of the Paw Patrol laughed and rolled their eyes. "Will do that later babe!" Marshall said to Skye winking at her making her smile excitedly.
                 Rubble was by the bedroom window and saw Gojira looking in. "Ahhhhhhhh!" Rubble screams. "Oh it's just you Gojira haha!" Rubble said to Gojira nervously. "Sorry if I scared you Rubble..." Gojira said smiling at Rubble. After a few minutes the Titans leave so they can hide incase Apex finds them and takes them away. As the Paw Patrol continues to search for the glasses, 4 suv trucks park outside of the house. The door bell begins to ring. While ringing the doorbell the person looks into the house through the letterbox. Blaze opens the door. "Hello, how may I help you?" Blaze asks. "Mr Blaze! We're from Apex. We had reports of Titans roaming around the city tonight with your son and his friends..." the stange man said. "Who are you?!" Blaze shouted angrily. "Walter Simmons!" Dr Serizawa said walking into the hallway from the sitting room. "Ishiro Serizawa..." Walter Simmons said back.

Marshall's POV...
Skye managed to find the glasses and gave them to me. "Thanks Skye! You're the best!" I said kissing her on the lips. Skye then falls on my bed blushing and giggling in a cute way. I noticed the others were smirking at me, so I rolled my eyes. I help my Pawesome girlfriend up and we all went back down stairs to give the glasses to my dad. As we reached the bottom of the stairs and saw weird looking people talking with my dad and Dr Serizawa. "How are you doing son? Is your name Marshall?" The man asked me. "Yeah?" I replied confused. I felt Skye grabbing my arm. "My name is Walter Simmons I'm from Apex!" He said smiling. Another man came up to him with a radiation detection machine. "Sir I think direct contact." He said to Walter Simmons. "Really?" He asked his coworker, who nodded in response. "Son step forward please..." Walter Simmons asked me.
                 He grabbing the radiation detection machine from his coworker. "Hold on! He doesn't have to, because we're working for Monarch and those Titans that's been seen tonight are our Titans!" Blaze and Serizawa shouted angrily to Walter Simmons at the same time. "Sir I am asking politely, back off. We know Monarch has two teams of Titans and if they are wearing the Monarch badges around their necks then we won't hunt them down. Are they wearing their badges?" He asked my father and Serizawa. They looked at each other and realised that they forgot to tell the Titans to put on the badges! "No their not..." Serizawa said looking down aswell as my dad. "Okay. Step forward Marshall." He asked me again, so I stepped towards him. The machine began to beep. "14 rads... Bingo! Tag'em and bag'em !" He said walking towards his car. They took me and my friends into the van which he was in aswell. And they placed my dad and Serizawa in a different car. And began to drive away with us...

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