New leaf

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Months have passed, and it seems that Ghost has fairly adjusted to his new life as a Rhodes Islands' operator. With more time spent together, almost all the other operators have gotten along well with Ghost, thanks to his more open personality now than the one he had when he first came. He's also become a regular pick in dokutah's squad for whatever operations, as his capabilities were very flexible and expendable on the battlefield, making him suited for almost any role in any given situation.

And you could say he held true to his oath of protecting everyone, as almost on every operation he participated in had a 50% reduced injury rate among the total casualties in the operation. He was working really hard each and every day for his newfound friends and resolve. All in all, you could say he was having a good time at his new workplace, no, his new home.

But still, there was still something about him that almost everyone couldn't help but notice,

"Ah, Ghost! There it is, you're bleeding from your left arm again!" A perked up Hibiscus quickly rushes towards Ghost having noticing his series of daily bleedings yet again,

"Jeez, you keep on bleeding everyday, this is not normal!" Her brows furrows and cheeks puffs up, a clear disturbed expression presented itself on her face as she quickly uses her arts to heal him after yet another operation,

"I'm sorry to trouble you like this...I'm always in your and the other medics' care" 

"I think you should try considering a deep heal, or at least some stitches for the wounds down there. They keep on getting reopened."

"I'll pass on that. They're fine as is..." Ghost replies, though accompanied with a small and weak smile. Something troubled him, and it was channeled through that small smile to Hibiscus. She knew not of what was burdening him, though she figured even she had enough tact to not pester him over it, remaining silent over the duration of the healing.


"Heya, Ghost! care for another round of marital arts fighting?" A riled up FEater quickly called out to Ghost, noticing him as he walked past in front one of the many training room, in which FEater was busy punching and kicking away at a punching bag, training her kung fu skills. Her dripping sweat still trickling on her thighs a testament to how hard she's been training up till now. 

"I'll pass this time. There's going to be an operation briefing 30 minutes from now. I wouldn't want to be exhausted by then, sorry." Ghost declined the offer, stopping momentarily in front of her to formally do so. His tone sounded very polite, which made FEater chuckled a little as she found it quite funny. To her, it felt like talking to a young polite boy but with the full blown body of an adult, and a generously well built one at that.

"Haha!....sure, sure, next time then. I'll remember this, kay?" She replied back with an amused grin, before she went ahead and resumed her own training. Ghost quickly nodded and waved a big hand to her, before he continued on his own way to the briefing room.

As he minded his own business walking through the long corridors of the landship, casually greeting any other operators that he passes on his way, a pair of hands all of a sudden slithered from behind him and swiftly cupped themselves over his eyes. The act was shortly ensued by the voice of a female saying,

"hehe....guess who?~" 

But instead of answering, Ghost started to probe and feel around behind him until his hands reached the legs of the culprit. Having done so, he quickly grasped the underneath of what he could make out as the culprit's thighs, and abruptly started to count,

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