Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen

“Please!” I beg. “You can’t call the police!” Tears stream down my face as I realize my life is coming to an end. The police? They really want to call them? What happens when he gets out of jail, if he even goes to jail? He’ll come after me. I can’t deal with that. I’ve finally begun to think my life doesn’t completely suck. Now? Not so much. Everything’s turning upside down.

“Leigh, we have to. We can’t just sit by and watch as he hurts you! You’re practically family! No, scratch that. You are family. I will not have that man hurt you!” Sarah shouts. I sigh. She doesn’t understand.

“You can’t.” I whisper but I know it’s no use. They’ll call the police. That’s what they think is best for me when, in fact, it’s the worst possible thing they could do.

Mark picks up his phone and dials 911. I cringe when I hear someone on the other side answer.

“Hello? Yes, I’d like to report child abuse…” he says and I can’t bare to listen. I stand up and walk out of the room, seeing everything only in a daze.

Why is this happening to me? Why did I tell them about my father? I shouldn’t have done it. I should’ve kept it a secret between me and the only three people in this world I can actually trust. I know they just want to protect me, but they don’t understand that my father will stop at nothing to find me. He’ll hunt me down. He’ll make sure I pay for whatever punishment he’ll receive. I know it because I know him.

I open the front door and walk outside. I take a deep breath of fresh air. It clears my head slightly. I have to tell Greg but I have no idea how I could reach him. It’ll take weeks for him to get a letter, if it ever even makes it to him. I couldn’t do that anyway. He would do anything to protect me, even if it meant leaving the military. I won’t crush his dreams because of one little problem. Or rather, big problem. I still won’t do it. After all he’s done for me… I can’t take him from that.

I walk around the block for a while. It’s nice outside. The sun is shining down, warming my face.

After a little while I begin to feel strange. Butterflies are doing somersaults in my stomach and I can’t shake the feeling like someone is watching me.

Trying to be as nonchalant as possible, I step to the curb and look around, pretending to take in the view. I see nothing out of the ordinary. Some kids are playing in their front yards and their parents are sitting on porches watching over them. It’s hard to tell if anyone was looking this way.

I turn back around and stop immediately as my eyes rest on a figure a few hundred feet ahead of me. I knew he’d find me, I just didn’t think it’d be so soon. Does he know what Amanda’s parents did?

“Leigh, my darling daughter, where ever have you been these past few months? I’ve missed you terribly. You never stop by to see me.” he says feigning hurt.

I snort and roll my eyes. “Like you ever missed me, daddy dearest.” I taunt.

Even from this distance I can see his eyes narrowing as he strides towards me. Every inch of him radiates anger, but I’ve ceased to care. If he wants to hurt me, let him. There’s nothing more he can do.

“How many times have I told you not to use that tone with me?” he snarls, getting into my face when he finally reaches me.

“I’m now sure,” I say. “I’ve lost count.”

I turn on my heel and run. I run as fast and hard as I can. I’m not running from him. He doesn’t scare me anymore. I’m running home, because I need to be there. Maybe letting the police know about my father’s deeds isn’t such a bad idea. I mean, they’re sure to keep me safe enough from him, right?

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