Chapter 7

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The door crashes open and the person on top of me bolts off. I hear shouting, but am not too concerned. In face, this bed is so comfy, I'd rather stay here. I roll over on my stomach and tuck my arms beneath me, holding my hands near my neck on either side of me.

Yes, this is definitely very comfortable.

I hear some banging around and weird noises, but whatever. I'm concentrating on falling asleep. Have you ever willed yourself to fall asleep and you wouldn't, but when you willed yourself to stay away, you became unconscious in a matter of seconds? Yeah, that's happening to me right now.

"Shut up!" I yell, only it comes out sounding more like 'shtuth fup."

Someone grabs me around the waist, hauling me up. I struggle and try to hit the person, but they only grab onto my wrists tightly so I can't hit them.

I open my eyes and look around. Everything is so blurry so I close them again and collapse onto the person holding me. Finally, sleep. Exactly when I didn't want it.

I wake up in my bed. I look at the clock and it reads 8:00 pm. Great, I slept for an entire day. I sit up and regret it instantly when my head starts pounding.

"Woah." I say and fall back onto my pillows. They are so soft and fluffy, why would I ever want to get up in the first place? My stomach starts to churn and that's when I remembered why I wanted up in the first place.

I dash to the bathroom and make it to the toilet just in time. Gross. Who know alcohol would be so disgusting the second time? Oh wait, everyone did.

When I finish, I lean against the wall across from the toilet, just in case. I shut my eyes and try to think about last night. What the hell happened? One minute I was having a drink with Nick and the next... I'm not so sure. Everything is just a blank from then on. And okay, maybe it was more than one drink.

I groan and my head falls back against the wall.

"Ow!" I say and rub my head lightly. I feel a cool washcloth cover my forehead and my eyes fly open. I look up at Blade who is standing in front of me. He has a cut on his lip and his eye looks a little purple, but other than that he looks just as beautiful as ever.

Wait. Did I just call him beautiful? Stupid alcohol must still be in my system. I look to the toilet. Most of it anyway.

"How're you feeling?" I look back to Blade and notice the sincere concern on his face. Was this the same guy that kissed me at the park the other day? I'm not so sure.

"Horrible." I say, the taste of foul alcohol still on my tongue. I get up and quickly brush my teeth. However quick it was, I made sure it was thorough.

He chuckles lightly and the sound sends butterflies through my stomach. "Well yeah, but are you okay?"

I nod my head at a loss for words. Feeling too cooped up all of a sudden in my little bathroom, I squeeze out and turn on my radio. I relax immediately, letting the words flow over me and the rhythm of the song soothe me.

I hear footsteps behind me. I know he's close. I can feel it. He's so close, he's touching me, but just barely.

"What happened last night?" I ask, unsure of what else to say. Besides, I'm curious. I most certainly have a right to be.

Either he didn't here my question or he's taking his sweet time to answer. I stop swaying and turn around, looking him in the eyes. There's an emotion there, something I can't quite place. It looks like anger mixed with pain, but I'm not sure.

"What do you remember?" he asks instead

"Umm... Well I remember dancing with Nick and then we got a couple drinks. I chugged mine. I guess I was thirsty." I look over his shoulder and shrug. Not a big deal, right?

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