Chapter 6

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Before you read this chapter, I need you to understand that there is a rather graphic scene. It's not terribly bad, but it is upsetting. If you are offended by anything easily, I suggest you do not read this chapter. It contains a scene about rape.

If not, please enjoy. (:


Chapter Six

When they told me to go get dressed, I don't think they realized how long that might take. Currently, Nick, Blade, and Greg are all downstairs, lounging around. I've no idea what they're wearing since I haven't seen them in the half hour since I've been up here. Unfortunately, I haven't even picked out what to wear yet let alone get my hair and make-up finished.

Ugh! Why does being a girl have to be so hard sometimes? Seriously!

I stand in front of the mirror, holding up what I think is a pretty shirt. I mean, I've never really had the motive to look pretty. I just kind of always threw on what I had at the time. It never occurred to me this would be so difficult!

I hear a light knock on the door and turn my head just in time to see Amanda slip in and close the door.

As usual, she's beautiful. Her hair is down in dark gold ringlets, cascading down her back. Her blue eyes are surrounded by thick, black lashes with a touch of eyeliner and some purple eye shadow, making them pop. She is dressed in a dark purple shirt that does her justice and black skinny jeans, which compliment her black heels.

"I figured you hadn't even begun yet." She says, smiling.

"Well of course not. When have I ever had to dress up for something? It's not like I go anywhere. I don't even go to dances." I retort. Well, I don't.

"Yet. You don't go to dances yet." Oh boy. I have a feeling that from now on, my life is going to be a lot more hectic. Just what I need.

"Can you at least help me get ready? I have no idea what I'm supposed to wear or how to do my hair or anything really. It's all just so confusing!" A small frown appears on my face and her smile widens.

"Absolutely! I thought I'd never get this chance!" She squeaks and I tilt my head to the side but before I can ask her what she means, she grabs my hand and pushes me into the bathroom.

"Shower." She says. "I'll pick out your outfit and we'll do your hair and make-up when you get out. No clothes after, just a towel."

I have the feeling I'm not going to like where this is going.

An hour and a half later, I'm sitting in a chair in the bathroom. Make-up, surprisingly very little, is brushed on to my face and my hair feels funny. It's pulled back away from my face. Amanda has refused to let me look in the mirror since she started. She hasn't even let me get dressed yet!

Finally, she comes back into the bathroom, holding an outfit. Is that my outfit? If so, I don't recall buying it.

It's actually very cute. I don't really have a taste in clothing, but if I did, it would be this. It is a black t-shirt that would hug my body. A long-sleeved shirt goes over the black top, but is open in the front, kind of like a jacket would be. The shirt is light and dark gray stripes. With it, there are black skinny jeans and some very cute strapped heels. Like I said, just my type. If I wanted, I could even wear the hat with it. The hat is black with a shiny, thick black band just about the rim.

I put the outfit on and stood in front of Amanda.

"You look amazing." She tells me. I turn to look in the mirror, but she stops me. "Wouldn't you like Nick to see it first?" She asks and I shake my head. I want to see it first that way, if I don't like it, I don't have to wear it.

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