Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen

"Leigh?" I hear from downstairs. "Leigh! Let's go! We're gonna be late!"

I grab my bag off my bed and slip my flats on. I rush down the steps and jump the last few, landing in front of my two favorite people, Greg and Amanda.

"Sorry! I'm ready." We hop in the car and head off to school.

It's been almost three weeks since I was put in the hospital, but I've healed up perfectly fine. Quite fast I must say. I'm still a little bruised here and there, but that's to be expected. My bones are all healed and in the places they should be. Then there's the scars on my back.

They're still a little pink, but they don't hurt anymore. They will scar forever, unfortunately. I'd do just about anything to make them go away. It's just a reminder of the hell my father's put me through.

When we get to school I say good-bye to Greg and head off to my locker with Amanda.

"So, are you happy to be back?" she asks.

I put on a huge grin and fake as much enthusiasm as I can muster. "Absolutely... not!"

She laughs as I throw my bag in my locker and grab a few books. "What are your classes this tri?"

I look down at the schedule in my hand. Due to the visit from my father I missed a little over two weeks of school. I must say, I'm a pretty fast healer.

1st hour: Organic Chemistry

2nd hour: Government

3rd hour: Art

4th hour: PLS (Personal Living Skills)

5th hour: Journalism

I show her my schedule and she squeals in delight making me regret handing it to her instantly. "Amanda!"

"What?" she looks startled.

"Do you have to yell every time we have a class together?" I tell her and laugh.

"Yes, I do." she says and turns to get her books out of her locker.

Once we have our stuff we set off to first hour. The teacher I have is pretty nice. Actually, scratch that. He's pretty hot. His name is Mr. Bane, but he wants everyone to call him by his first name. Jason. I guess it makes him feel younger, like he's still one of us. Unfortunately, he's also the only teacher that assigns seats. Can't be perfect I suppose.

I walk up to his desk and stand there until he looks at me. "May I help you?"

I smile. "I'm Leigh Parish. I'm not a new student per say, but I was gone for a while. I haven't been here at all this tri."

"Oh. So you're Leigh. Well it's nice to meet you then." He holds his hand out and I take it. The shake is firm and warm. He reminds me of Greg in ways. "Why don't you sit in the back here next to me? That way it's easier for you to catch up. I know you'll have a lot of questions."

I nod and take my seat. Mr. Bane, I mean Jason, goes up to the front of the class and starts talking about how carbon bonds with other elements. It's interesting.

Ten minutes after class starts the door opens. All heads turn to see who the late person is and when I see him, my blood runs cold. It's Nick.

The first thing I feel is fear. Followed quickly by anger, rage, embarrassment. I still don't have a clue as to why anyone could do... well what he did to me. It just doesn't make any sense. It's revolting. Disgusting.

Then, as if things couldn't get any worse, he walks over to the desk right next o me and sits in it. He doesn't look at me. Not even a glance. I wonder if he even knows it's me. I don't look much different than the last time I saw him, but my hair is noticeably shorter and I dress differently. I've started to dress less preppy and more sporty. I find I like the look more. It suits me.

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