Chapter 1

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Hey :) Okay. So, first things first. This is my first story and I wanted to post it here to see what you guys think. Your thoughts would be much appreciated. So, please comment and, if you like it, vote. Thank you


Chapter One

The painful sting of my father's ring cuts across my face as I stand there with my eyes closed. I'm used to him hitting me by now, but that doesn't do much to comfort the pain I feel now. His wedding ring, which still resides on his finger even though my mother passed away when I was born, is very sharp. Instantly, I feel warmth cover my left cheek. Blood.

"Now let me be. I have things I need to take care of. Go to your room." I nod my head weakly as my father tells me this. It is not new either. Ever since I turned ten, my father started to beat me. Why? I have no idea, but I think he feels I did something to deserve it. I've always been curious, but I would never ask that man why he chose to abuse me. I would not dare, for he would only hit me more and more. I would not be able to deal with it.

I walk up to my room and close the door behind me. I don't bother to lock it because my father has a key. He would be able to come in if he wanted, with or without my permission. Not like he asks for it anyway.

Thankfully, I have a bathroom connecting mine and Greg's rooms. Its better than leaving my room and risk running into my father. I shiver at even the thought of what my father would do. I walk into the bathroom and grab a washcloth from under the sink. After I wet it with warm water, I dab it over my cut to clean it. I whistle as I realize just how noticeable it is. It reaches from the corner of my mouth to my ear. My father really got me this time.

I could faintly hear the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. Greg was home. Greg is my older brother. He's only older by a year at eighteen, but he still takes care of me. Father doesn't bother with him, for some reason, so he can usually do as he pleases. Father knows that Greg sneaks me food at night and that he helps hide my cuts and bruises from unwanted stares. Sometimes, we can't cover every bruise, so people know something is wrong. We just tell them I'm very clumsy.

There was a knock on the door and I guessed it was Greg. Father never bothers to knock. He just barges right in like he owns the place which, sadly, he does.

"Come in." I say. The door opens and Greg walks in. Greg is a very handsome man. I know he's my brother and all, but this is from what people tell me. He is quite tall, towering exactly one foot over me at 6'4''. He has dark brown hair that falls into his eyes, which are sky blue. Being an athlete, he has a muscular build. He is actually on the football team. He's not the quarterback, but he is team captain.

"Hey." He says softly.

"Hey." I say back. "How was school?"

"Alright, I guess. Mr. Sanders gave us a ten page paper to write about the United States Constitution. I don't even know how I'm supposed to begin." He chuckles softly and I smile, though it doesn't touch my eyes.

He immediately stops laughing and his eyes narrow, looking at my face. I figure he's looking at the fresh cut so I turn my head away. He walks up to me and gently grabs my chin, forcing me to look at him. He runs his finger along the cut and I cringe because it still stings.

"He did this to you, didn't he?" Greg asks and I just nod, knowing he's talking about our father.

Greg let go of me and walked over to the window. He ran a hand through his hair and walked to the other side of my room. He raised his fist and punched the wall. This is not the first time I've seen Greg mad about what my father has done to me, but it is the first time he's punched a wall. The cut wasn't even that bad this time. I've had much worse.

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