Chapter One: Assembling Most Of The Team

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Kat was hopping through Station Square, trying to look for the Nature Essences.

Kat: Hmm, maybe I should go to Blaze first! After all, her house is the closest, and Amy is her best friend! She would definetly wanna help! [She hopped over to Blaze's house and went inside, only to see Blaze looking for something]

Blaze: Ugh, where is it?! Amy should've brought it back by now!

Kat: Hi Blaze!

Blaze: [Still looking] Oh, hi Kat!

Kat: Whatcha looking for?

Blaze: Well, I lended Amy one of my very important books a few months ago, and she still hasn't brought it back!

Kat: Is this the book you're looking for? [She pulled out the Achient Jewels and Artifacts book]

Blaze: Yes! [She grabbed the book from Kat] Thank Tikal you found it! Wait, how did you find it anyway?

Kat: I found it while I was walking around Station Square! Amy must've dropped it!

Blaze: Okay. Well I'm glad that you found it! [She put the book back on her bookshelf] Did you just come here to return the book?

Kat: Actually, I wanted to tell you something very important! It's super-duper important! It's way-beyond important! It's more important than important! It's...

Blaze: Just tell me already, Kat!

Kat: Well, Infinite corrupted someone named Ruby, and he used her to kidnap both Queen Larien and Amy!

Blaze: Not Amy!

Kat: Knuckles called me and said that Team Forces needed our help to defeat Ruby and save Larien and Amy!

Blaze: Well, Amy is my best friend, and if she gets killed, I'll never be able to get over it! Okay, I'll help!

Kat: [She claps] Yay! I'll go get Dawn and Cream and tell them, and you go get Shadow and Rouge and tell them!

Blaze: I don't know if I should get Shadow and Rouge.

Kat: Why not?

Blaze: Well, Rouge only cares about herself, and Shadow just won't care in general! I know for a fact that they won't wanna help!

Kat: Well it doesn't hurt to try!

Blaze: [Sighs] If you say so. Good luck with Dawn and Cream! [She leaves to go find Shadow and Rouge, and Kat leaves to go find Dawn and Cream. We then cut to Dawn's home]

Kat: Dawn! Where are you!

Crow: [Appears in a tree] Hi there, Kat!

Kat: Gah!!! [She falls on the ground]

Crow: Sorry about that! I didn't mean to scare you! Are you okay?

Kat: Oh, it's just you, Crow! I'm alright! [She is helped up by Crow] Have you seen Dawn?

Crow: She's over there on her rock meditating! [He points to Dawn, who was indeed on her rock meditating]

Kat: Oh okay! Thanks, Crow! [She walks over to Dawn] Hi Dawn! [Dawn reacted by pulling out her sword and pointing it at Kat]

Crow: Calm down, Dawn! It's just Kat!

Dawn: Oh. [She quickly put her sword away and blushed in embarrassment] Sorry about that, Kat! I'm still learning how to greet others!

Kat: It's cool, Dawn! What's important is that no one got hurt!

Dawn: What are you doing here?

Kat: Well, Infinite corrupted someone named Ruby, and he used her to kidnap both Queen Larien and Amy, and Knuckles called and told me to get you guys so we can help Team Forces save Larien and Amy! You in?

Dawn: Well, I'm always up for adventure, and Larien is my best friend, so I'm in! Crow, you're in charge while I'm gone!

Crow: Yes Dawn!

Kat: Come on, Dawn! We're gonna get Cream! [They both went to go find Cream. We then cut to Cream's house]

Dawn: Are you sure that Vanilla is gonna allow Cream and Cheese to come with us on a dangerous mission like this one?

Kat: Of course she will! After all, this isn't the first time Cream's gone on a dangerous adventure! [She knocks on the door, and Vanilla answers]

Vanilla: Who is it? [She sees Kat and Dawn] Oh hello there, Kat and Dawn! What brings you here today?

Kat: Good day to you too, Ms. Vanilla! Can we talk to you and Cream?

Vanilla: Sure thing, girls! [She calls out to Cream] Cream, Kat and Dawn wanna talk to you! [Cream and Cheese speed over to the door]

Cream: Hi, Ms. Kat! Hi, Ms. Dawn!

Kat: Hi, Cream! Hi, Cheese!

Cream: What are you guys doing here?

Kat: Well, Infinite corrupted someone named Ruby, and he used her to kidnap both Queen Larien and Amy, and Team Forces needs our help to save them!

Cream: [Gasps] That sounds terrible! We need to go rescue Ms. Amy and Queen Larien!

Kat: And that's why we wanted to talk to you, Cream!

Dawn: We need you to help us save Amy and Larien!

Kat: So are you in, or are you in?!

Cream: Well, [She looks up at Vanilla] What do you think, mommy?

Vanilla: [Unsure] I don't know, Cream. It sounds dangerous, and I don't want you or Cheese getting hurt.

Cream: Well, I have been on adventures like this, and Ms. Amy and Queen Larien are my friends, and they need our help! Please mommy?

Cheese: Chao chao chao chao chao!

Vanilla: Well, okay, but I need you to be very careful!

Cream: Don't worry, mommy, I'll be careful! [To Kat and Dawn] Let's go! [We then cut to in front of Station Square Studio]

Dawn: What are we doing in front of Station Square Studio, Kat?

Kat: I told Blaze to meet us here once she got Shadow and Rouge!

Cream: Isn't that Ms. Blaze over there? [She points at Blaze]

Kat: Oh yeah! [She grabs Dawn and Cream and she runs over to Blaze] Hi Blaze! [Notices that Shadow and Rouge weren't with her] Where's Shadow and Rouge?

Blaze: Well, the good news is that surprisingly, Rouge gladly accepted to help Team Forces save Amy and Larien. 

Dawn: What's the bad news?

Blaze: The bad news is that not too surprisingly, Shadow doesn't wanna help because he just doesn't care!

Dawn: Ugh! That black and red son of a gun!

Kat: Don't worry, Dawn! We're just gonna walk over to Shadow and convince him to come with us!

Dawn: What makes you think that's gonna work?

Kat: I'm very convincing! Shadow will never be able to resist coming with us! And if he does... [Her eyes glimmer red] He'll regret it! [Her eyes stop glimmering red] Anyway, let's go! [She grabs Blaze, Dawn, and Cream and she starts making her way to Shadow and Rouge's house]  

Team Forces Adventures: Ruby's Revenge: Part ThreeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum