Chapter Five: Break-In Plan

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Meanwhile with Team Forces, they were walking to the Egg Fleet while discussing the plan on how to save Amy and Queen Larien.

Knuckles: Alright, you guys, I already called Kat to round up all the Nature Essences to help us save Amy and Larien, and she should've gotten them by now!

Tails: Let's hope that Kat actually did gather up the Nature Essences and not just sit in her mansion with her henchmen instead!

Silver: I'm sure she wouldn't do that to us, Tails! Kat's our friend, and she loves adventure!

Vector: Well what's gonna happen if Kat and the Nature Essences screw up the plan?

Knuckles: Well, Espio actually came up with an idea in case that happens! [To Espio] Should you tell them, or should I?

Espio: I'll tell them. [To the team] Alright, you guys, this is the plan that I came up with! So we'll sneak in through the ceiling... [He was interrupted by Charmy]

Charmy: How are we gonna break in through the ceiling if there's no door on the ceiling?

Espio: Tails will use with lightning powers to cut through the ceiling! And then when we get inside, the Nature Essences will be distracting Eggman's robots, so that will give of the change to save Amy and Larien by giving the Eggman Empire our medallions. [The rest of the team were then shocked when Espio brought up giving the medallions to the Eggman Empire]

Charmy: [Shocked] You want us to give the medallions for the Eggman Empire?!

Knuckles: [Shocked] You're crazy, Espio!

Vector: [Shocked] Do you want the Eggman Empire to defeat us and take over Station Square?!

Espio: I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out here! So anyway, when I said that we were gonna save Amy and Larien by giving the Eggman Empire our medallions, what I meant by that was that we were gonna make the Eggman Empire think that we're gonna give them the medallions so they free Amy and Larien, and when they do, we'll have the Nature Essences surround Revenge, and then Knuckles will find out where the corruption is and decorrupt Ruby!

Charmy: It's sounds crazy, but smart at the same time! I'm in!

Espio: Is anyone else in?

Vector, Tails, Knuckles, Silver, and Sprixie: Yeah!

Knuckles: [He pulls out his phone] I'll call the Nature Essences and discuss the plan with them! [We then cut to the Nature Essences. Shadow was getting a call from Knuckles]

Shadow: Knuckles? What does he want? [He picks up the call] What do you want, Knuckles?

Knuckles: First of all, you could at least be nice when someone's talking to you!

Shadow: I'm sorry, but I don't do nice!

Knuckles: Second of all, the team came up with an idea on how to save Amy and Larien! So while you guys are dealing with the robots, we'll distract the Eggman Empire by making them think that we're gonna give them our medallions!

Shadow: I can't believe I'm saying this, but that actually doesn't sound like a bad idea, but what if they catch on?

Knuckles: They're not gonna catch on unless one of us tells them about the idea!

Shadow: Well then looks like we won't have to worry about anything! Don't worry, Knuckles, the Nature Essences and I will be able to manage! [He looks over to the girls, who were still arguing about how they were gonna break into the Egg Fleet]

Blaze: Stragegy!

Dawn: Pazazz!

Cream: Kindness!

Rouge: Flirting!

Kat: Whitty plushies!

Shadow: [Sighs] Hopefully...

Knuckles: Great! We should be there very soon! See you later!

Shadow: See you later. [Looks back at the girls and sighs] If we're still alive... [He hangs up and walks over to the girls]

Blaze: Stragegy!

Dawn: Pazazz!

Cream: Kindness!

Rouge: Flirting!

Kat: Whitty plushies!

Blaze: Stragegy!

Shadow: GIRLS!!!! [The girls stop arguing and they look at Shadow]

Kat: Oh hi, Shadow! I didn't know you were here!

Shadow: I've been here...

Kat: Oh... Well you were being so quit that I didn't even notice!

Shadow: Whatever... Anyway, I just got done talking to Knuckles, and he said that Team Forces had an idea on here to save Amy and Larien!

Kat: What's the plan?! Are they gonna give everyone in there free Whitty plushies?!

Shadow: No Kat... They're gonna distract the Eggman Empire by making them think that they're gonna give them the medallions while we distract the robots!

Kat: Ooh, that also sounds like a great idea!

Blaze: I'm thinking that we should split into three groups of two, that  way we can distract more robots than if we all just go in one group!

Dawn: Good idea, Blaze, but how do we decide who goes with who?

Blaze: Well, I did bring some colored pieces of paper with me before we went! [She pulls out six small pieces of paper. Two of them were red, two of them were yellow, and two of them were blue] The to who get the same color will be a pair!

Cream: That seems fair!

Blaze: Now all we need to do is find a way to shuffle the paper!

Rouge: You can use this designer hat that I brought with me for some reason! [She pulls out a black designer hat and gives it to Blaze]

Blaze: Thanks Rouge! [She puts the paper into the hat and shakes it around] Alright everyone, close your eyes and get a piece of paper! [Everyone closes their eyes and grabs a piece of paper] Alright, now if everyone has gotten their piece of paper, you all may open your eyes now! [Everyone opens their eyes]

Cream: [Looks at her piece of paper] Oh, I got yellow!

Blaze: [Looks at her piece of paper] Me too!

Dawn: [Looks at her piece of paper] I got blue!

Rouge: Well then, Dawn, it looks like you and me are a pair!

Shadow: Oh no, please don't tell me that I have to be paired with... [He is then surprise hugged by Kat]

Kat: YAY!!!! You and me are a pair, Shads!!!

Shadow: [To the rest of the girls] So, who wants to switch partners?

Cream: Come on, Mr. Shadow, be nice! I'm sure it will be fun working with Ms. Kat!

Dawn: Besides, we all agreed that this would be a fair process!

Blaze: And having Kat is better than not having a partner at all!

Shadow: [Sighs] Fine, but if she starts getting on my nerves, I'm killing her!


Shadow: WHAT?!!!!

Dawn: Let's just go in and distract the robots, you guys!

Kat: Yeah! [She grabs Shadow's arm and drags him into the Egg Fleet, and Dawn, Rouge, Blaze, and Cream take different ways inside as well]

Team Forces Adventures: Ruby's Revenge: Part ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now