Chapter Nine: Sisters Reunite

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After the massive fight with the Eggman Empire, everyone was on the ground. The Eggman Empire were shocked that they were beaten up by what they thought to be just a plain ordinary cat, Kat was weak on the ground, having been transformed back into her normal form, and Shadow was laying down on the floor, unconscious.

Rouge: Ugh, what happened? [She saw Shadow laying unconscious on the floor] SHADOW!!!!! [She ran over to the unconscious black hedgehog and saw that he was barely breathing, which made Rouge tear up] No! This can't be happening right now! It can't end like this! I still need you! Please don't leave me! [She started crying into Shadow's unconscious body, but she was able to regain herself about five minutes later] 

Rouge: Ugh, what happened? [She saw Shadow laying unconscious on the floor] SHADOW!!!!! [She ran over to the unconscious black hedgehog and saw that he was barely breathing, which made Rouge tear up] No! This can't be happening right now! It can't...

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Rouge: Oh Shadow, I would do anything to bring you back! [She kissed Shadow's forehead, and the black hedgehog woke up]

Shadow: What happened? [He looks up at Rouge, who still had tears in her eyes] Rouge, why are you crying? [Rouge then hugged Shadow tightly] What the...

Rouge: Why I'm crying doesn't matter right now! What matters is that you're alright!

Shadow: Uh, I can't exactly die since I'm the Ultimate Lifeform...

Kat: [She lifts herself off the ground] Ugh, what happened? [She looked around the Egg Fleet, only to see that it was messy] Woah, what happened here? [She saw Charmy flying up to her]

Charmy: Kat...

Kat: What?

Charmy: We all saw you go demon...

Kat: [Shocked, and she tries to explain herself] Look, I only did it because I wanted to protect you guys, and I completely understand if you all think of me differently now!

Charmy: Kat, you were... [His tone got more excited] AWESOME!!!!! [He hugs Kat] I didn't know you could turn into a demon! How did you do that?!

Kat: Well, my mommy's a demon, my daddy's a demon, and my big sister's a demon! It basically runs in the family!

Charmy: Cool! I would love to meet your family someday!

Kat: Well, they are coming to Station Square in a few weeks! Maybe you guys can meet them then!

Tails: Sounds awesome, Kat! I can't wait to meet them!

Infinite: [He, Eggman, and Zavok get up from off the ground] You think friendship will save you?! We will always return! Nothing will ever stop—! [Moloch appears and pounces on them]

Everyone minus Kat and the villains: What in the name of Tikal?!!!

Kat: Moloch, you came to save the day! [She goes to hug her "pet dog"] Who's a good widdle puppy wuppy?! Moloch is, oh yes he is!

Shadow: [Sighs] Someone really needs to tell her! I'm gonna do it!

Rouge: [Stops Shadow] Don't even think about it, Shadow the Hedgehog!

Queen Larien: [She saw Karma wake up, and she walked over to her] There isn't a punishment worthy of all you've done!

Kat: [She walks over to Larien] I might have an idea, Queen Larien! [She whispers something in Larien's ear]

Queen Larien: You know, Kat, that actually does seem quite fitting! She's all yours!

Kat: Thank you, your majesty! [She glares at Karma with her eyes glimmering red]

Karma: [Laughs nervously] Uh, we can talk about this!

Kat: [She starts floating]  Karma the Demon Fox, what you have done for decades was complately evil, but your reigne of terror is over! [She summons a wormhole] I hereby banish you to Emberus, where you will be locked away in a power proof dungeon, never to escape!

Karma: What?! No?!!! [The wormhole starts sucking her in] I can't be imprisoned again!

Kat: Well maybe you should've thought about that before you started your reigne of terror!

Karma: NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! [She gets sucked in completely in the wormhole]

Kat: [She goes back into her normal mode] The rest of her life in Emberus will oughta chill her out!

Silver: Should we use the rainbow lazer to fix everything?

Amy: Yeah! Team Forces, power up! [Team Forces started to float, and the rainbow lazer converts everything back to normal] Well, that settles everything!

Charmy: But what about Infinite and the corruption medallion! [Points at Infinite, who was still with Eggman and Zavok]

Infinite: [Evilly] I don't think so, bee boy! [He teleports himself, Eggman, and Zavok outta there]

Tails: Well, there goes are chance of getting the corruption medallion from him.

Queen Larien: [She walks over to Ruby, who was crying] It has been many years since I have seen you like this. Time to put our differences behind us. We were meant to be family, big sister. Will you accept my friendship? [Ruby hugs Larien]

Ruby: [While sobbing] I'm so sorry! I missed you so much, little sister!

Queen Larien: [Hugs Ruby back] I've missed you, too.

Blaze: [She walks over to the two princesses] Ruby, I heard that you had very strong powers, and that you need help controlling them! [Ruby nods] Would you like to come back to Sol with me to work on controlling them?

Ruby: What do you think, Larien?

Queen Larien: That's up for you to decide.

Ruby: [To Blaze] I would love that! Thank you, uh...

Blaze: Blaze the Cat!

Ruby: Thank you, Blaze!

Knuckles: Come on! We should probably get back to Station Square!

Amy: You're right, Knuckles! [The group left the Egg Fleet and started making their way back to Station Square]

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