Chapter Two: Trying To Convince Shadow

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Kat, Dawn, Cream, and Blaze were at Shadow and Rouge's house. As Kat was getting ready to knock on the door, Dawn, Blaze, and Cream were still unsure about Kat's idea.

Dawn: Are you sure you should be doing this, Kat?

Blaze: Dawn's right! You know how edgy and grumpy Shadow always is!

Kat: I know what I'm doing! Shadow may be an edgelord, but happiness and smiles always beat grumpiness and frowns!

Dawn: Well what if "happiness and smiles" don't work on Shadow?

Kat: I'm sure it will, and if it doesn't, I'll just have to use my secret weapon on him! [Her eyes glimmer red] And Shadow really doesn't wanna see the other side of me! [Her eyes stop glimmering red] But I'm sure I won't have to resort to that! [She knocks on the door, and Rouge answers] Hi Rouge! 

Rouge: Hello, Kat! [She also saw Blaze, Cream, and Dawn with her] And hello to you too, girls!

Cream: Hello, Ms. Rouge!

Cheese: Chao chao chao!

Kat: Hi Rouge! Is Shadow here?

Rouge: Yeah! He's just in the living room regretting all of his life choices!

Kat: Okay! [The girls walk into the house and they see Shadow sitting on the couch] Hey, hey Shadow! Shadow!

Shadow: [In his head] Ugh, it's that annoying cat again!

Kat: Shadow! Shadow! Over here!

Shadow: [In his head] Just ignore her, and she'll go away!

Kat: Shadow the Hedgehog, I am talking to you! Quit ignoring me!

Shadow: [In his head] Ugh, why hasn't she left yet?!

Kat: [She teleports next to Shadow] Shadow!

Shadow: GAH!!! [He falls off the couch] WHAT IN TIKAL'S NAME IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!?

Kat: You were ignoring me! I had to get your attention somehow!

Shadow: [Sighs] Whatever! [He gets up] What do you want?!

Kat: I need to ask you someth... [She was then interrupted by Shadow]

Shadow: No!

Kat: But I didn't even ask my question yet!

Shadow: Fine, ask!

Kat: Can you come and... [Shadow interrupts Kat again]

Shadow: No!

Kat: But I didn't even finish asking my question!

Shadow: Fine, finish asking your question!

Kat: Can you come and help us help Team Forces fight Revenge, Karma, and the Eggman Empire and save Amy and Queen Larien?

Shadow: No!

Kat: Why not?!

Shadow: First of all, I don't usually fight anymore unless it's something important! Second of all, I just don't care!

Kat: But Shadow, this is important! If we don't help Team Forces, we won't be able to save Amy and Queen Larien! And if we don't save Amy and Queen Larien, Amy and Team Forces won't be able to use the rainbow lazer on the Eggman Empire! And if Amy and Team Forces don't use the rainbow lazer on the Eggman Empire, the Eggman Empire is gonna take over Mobius! And if the... [Her mouth is then covered by Shadow]

Shadow: Like I said before, Kat, I take orders from nobody!

Kat: [She decided to argue back] Well maybe if you weren't so edgy and emo all the damn time, then maybe you would get off your lazy ass butt and help us!!!

Team Forces Adventures: Ruby's Revenge: Part ThreeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ