Chapter Eight: Kat Vs. The Eggman Empire

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The gang all saw Eggman, Infinite, and the Deadly Six walk towards them. Infinite saw that Ruby and Karma were already defeated.

Infinite: [Evilly] So, you guys were able to defeat Ruby and Karma I see...

Shadow: Yep! And you're gonna be next! [He leaps towards Infinite, but the jackel blocked the attack with a Phantom Sheild, knocking the black hedgehog back]

Infinite: [Evilly] I don't think so, hedgie!

Kat: HOW DARE YOU!!!!! [Eggman, Infinite, and Zavok turn to look at her]

Infinite: [Evilly] How dare we what, yellow kitty cat?!

Kat: [Her eyes glimmer eyes] How dare you try to hurt my friends!

Eggman: [Evilly] Why does it matter to you, yellow rodent?!

Kat: [Her eyes were still glimmering red] You can threaten to hurt me as many times as you'd like, but if you ever threaten to hurt any of my friends, you just got yourself a death wish!

Zavok: [Evilly] So now you're saying that Shadow is your friend?! I thought you hated him!

Kat: [Her eyes were still glimmering red as she started to float] It's true that Shadow may get on my nerves, [Shadow was surprised to hear that] and he might be annoying at times, [Shadow just glared at Kat once she said that] but he is still one of my best friends, [Shadow was shocked to hear Kat say that] and no amount of fighting will ever change that! [Shadow seemed to smile warmly once Kat said that, but nobody caught it]

Infinite: [Evilly] And how is just one puny little cat supposed to defeat an evil genius, the leader of the Deadly Six, and the wielder of the corruption medallion?!

Kat: [Her eyes were still glimmering red] You're about to find out! [A dark pink light engulfed her as she started transforming into a demon]

Kat: [Her eyes were still glimmering red] You're about to find out! [A dark pink light engulfed her as she started transforming into a demon]

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Charmy: Woah!

Tails: She's a demon?!

Infinite: [Evilly] Hah! You really think that gonna scared us, kitty cat?! Well think again! Zavok, you can have the first attack!

Zavok: [Evilly] Alright! I've been wanting to get rid of this dumb kitty cat forever! [He tries to punch Kat, but the now demon grabs the zeti's fist, sheilding herself from the brutal attack]

Kat: I don't think so, foolish zeti! [She uses her powers to knock Zavok into the rest of the Deadly Six, knocking them out]

Eggman: [Evilly] Okay, now it's my turn! [He summons some robots] Robots, ATTACK!!!! [The robots surround Kat]

Kat: [She recites a spell] Eggman robots strong and true, make this metal bust the move! [She uses her spell to takes control of the robots] Robots, attack that Eggface over there! [She points at Eggman. The robots march up to Eggman to attack him, and the evil genius flees]

Infinite: [Evilly] Well, it's a good thing that they saved the strongest for last! [He uses Phantom Blast to attack Kat, weakening the demon]

Shadow: KAT!!!!

Infinite: [He walks up to Kat, grinning evilly with the craving to kill her] Goodbye, kitty cat!

Shadow: NO!!!!! [As Infinite was about to attack Kat, Shadow got in the way, sheilding Kat from Infinite's powerful attack, but also causing himself to get hit]

Rouge and Kat: SHADOW!!!!! [An explosion went off]

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