Chapter Six: Not So Good Of A Break-In

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Kat and Shadow were walking through the Egg Fleet, doing a surprisingly good job with not getting caught by any robots. Kat was excited about working with Shadow, while on the other hand, the black hedgehog wanted to kill himself.

Kat: I'm so excited to be working with you, Shadow! Isn't this exciting?! Are you as happy as I am right now?!

Shadow: [Sarcastically] Yep, I'm sooooo excited.

Kat: Yay! [Hugs Shadow] I knew that you would be!

Shadow: Although, I would be happier if I was alone, or working with Rouge, or not even working with you at all!

Kat: Aww, cheer up, Shadow! I'm sure you're gonna have the time of your life!

Shadow: I highly doubt that...

Kat: Oh come on, Shadow, you should be happy about this! I'm so happy that I could just scream! [As she was about to scream, her mouth was covered by Shadow]

Shadow: [Sternly] If you scream, I am gonna put a bullet in your head! [He moves his hand off of Kat's mouth]

Kat: Okay fine, jeez! Why do you have to be so edgy all the time?!

Shadow: Why do you have to be so annoyingly happy all the time?! [We then cut to Team Forces on top of the Egg Fleet]

Knuckles: Hopefully this plan is gonna work.

Vector: Oh, I'm sure everything's gonna be fine, Knuckles! I'm sure with the help of the Nature Essences, we'll be able to defeat Revenge and save Amy and Larien!

Espio: Alright Tails, use your lightning powers to make an entrance into the Egg Fleet!

Tails: [Gets his lightning powers ready] I'm on it! [He uses his lighning powers to create a hole that would lead into the insdie of the Egg Fleet] And it looks like we got an entrance!

Espio: Great! We'll have Amy and Queen Larien saved in no time! [He jumps into the Egg Fleet, followed by Vector, Charmy, Tails, and Knuckles. Silver however, was hesitant to go with them]

Silver: Don't be scared, Silver! It's just a small jump into the Egg Fleet! You can do thi... [He accidently falls in] AHH!!!! [He falls face first onto the ground] Ow... [We then cut to the Deadly Six, who were watching Kat and Shadow walk around the Egg Fleet]

Zazz: Is this some kind of joke?! Those heroes really think they can defeat us when we have Infinite, Karma, and Revenge on our team?!

Zeena: Shadow really did choose the wrong team to side with! The Eggman Empire is way more awesome and powerful!

Master Zik: I think it's best that we stall them so they don't save Amy Rose and Queen Larien!

Zavok: You're right, Zik! If we don't then they'll save them in no time and defeat us!

Zazz: What are we gonna do, Zavok?!!! What are we gonna do?!!! [He starts shaking Zavok] WHAT ARE WE GONNA DO?!!!!!

Zavok: Calm yourself, Zazz! [Zazz calms down, and when he saw that he was shaking an annoyed Zavok, he slowly backed away and chuckled nervously] You don't need to worry about Team Forces saving Amy and Larien, because I have an idea! [He pulls out a Whitty plushie]

Zomom: [Confused] Uh... What's that, boss?

Zavok: Apparently, Kat is obbsessed with this bomb!

Zazz: He's not just a bomb, he's... [Before he could finish his sentence, he saw Zeena grabbing the Whitty plush from Zavok]

Zeena: Why is Kat so obbsessed with some stupid, ugly, no good bomb?! Obviously, she doesn't have good taste in music! [Zazz grabbed the Whitty plushie from her] Hey!!!

Zazz: How could you even dare to say that, Zeena?!!!

Zeena: What are you talking about?! He's just a stupid bomb!

Zazz: He's not just a bomb, he's Whitty!

Zeena: Uh... You know who that ugly looking bomb is?

Zazz: Of course I do! I'm his biggest fan, so I suggest that you stop talking about Whitty like that!

Zeena: Whatever...

Zavok: [He takes the Whitty plushie from Zazz and ties a string to it] And Kat's his biggest fan, too, so we'll obviously be able to distract Kat with it! [He sends the Whitty plushie down]

Kat: [She sees the Whitty plushie and she gasps] Is that a Whitty plushie?!!!

Shadow: Oh no... I already know where this is going... [To Kat]Don't evn think about it, Kat the Cat!

Kat: I NEED WHITMORE!!!! [She runs over to the Whitty plushie and hugs it]

Shadow: Uh, Kat, don't you think we have other important things to do?

Kat: Like what?

Shadow: I don't know, MAYBE SAVING AMY AND LARIEN!!!! 

Kat: We'll do that in a few minutes! [Shadow puts a gun up to his head (Dark, I know). We then  cut to the boys walking into the room that Revenge was hiding Amy and Queen Larien]

Knuckles: Are you sure that this is the room that Revenge is hiding Amy and Queen Larien in, Espio?

Espio: I know it is! Now all we gotta do is find Amy and Queen Larien and... [The boys are then all surrounded by a cage]

Vector: Uh, why did a cage just surround us?

Charmy: IT MUST BE A TRAP BY THE ENEMY CAPTAIN!!!!! [The rest of the boys just look at him] What?

Espio: I can't be in here!!! I'm claustrophobic!!! [Starts hyperventalating]

Revenge: [Evilly] Oh, that's not the only thing you should be afraid of, iguana! [Revenge walks up to the boys] So, have you boys made your desicion yet?

Amy: Revenge, please don't do this! We're sorry that you had such a rough past, but you can't just take it out on the world!

Revenge: [Coldly to Amy] I'm sure you would do the same thing if I were you, Amy Rose!

Amy: Of course I would be mad, but I wouldn't take my anger out on the entire world! We can help you, Revenge. You just gotta let us...

Revenge: It's too late to help me! I drew my own path, and I'm not gonna erase it!

Karma: [She was in her true form. She walks over to Revenge] I taught you so well, my dear Revenge!

Queen Larien: Ruby, please! Don't you remember when we were kids? Don't you remember when we used to play together?! We were so close! We can be like that again! I love you, sister...

Revenge: [Coldly] If you loved me, then you wouldn't have forgotten about me once you became queen of the Evergreen Kingdom!

Queen Larien: I'm sorry, Ruby!

Revenge: [Evilly] It's too late for apologies now, my dear Larien! Now, it's time for payback! If the boys don't give me their medallions in the next thirty minutes, then you can kiss yourlife goodbye! [She laughs evilly]

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