𝗠𝗲𝗿𝗿𝘆 𝘀𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗼𝗻𝘀// 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕

313 17 107

Monday October 4th 2021
3rd person POV

The final day of Fundy's stay had arrived.

Fundy was laying down on the obsidian floor, his legs laying on one of the side walls as he was counting numbers to himself in his head.

Dream on the other hand, was by his bed reading his little book.

The two hadn't talked to eachother since yesterday, when Dream had told Fundy to leave him alone.

Honestly Dream was regretting it now.

As he flipped through the pages of his book, he was getting bored.

In the book once again, he was at a point where the two ex-husbands were strangers now, in their view, and barely even talked.

It reminded Dream of him and Fundy.

Again, it was causing Dream to sweat because it was overwhelming him, so he bookmarked the page, and shut it closed.

Fundy stopped counting midway and his ears twitched, Dream could sense Fundy questioning if he should go talk to him.

But Fundy kept counting to himself after deciding not to.

Fundy didn't want to be a dead man.

Dead men tell no tales.

Fundy had remembered that lesson his Mother had taught him when he was 4, five years before she'd passed.

Sally, Fundy's Mother, had been a pirate in her young ages.

Her and Captain Puffy, whom Fundy sometimes called Auntie Puffy, were allies.

Well, more like Puffy was Sally's sidekick.

Puffy would tell tales to Fundy about how he and his Mother sailed the seas together, searching for treasure and fighting the fiercest people.

But they weren't as fierce as the two of them together

She'd even been there when Sally and his Father met.


His Father.

Fundy hadn't seen his Father in a long time now.

And he'd have liked to keep it that way.

But a part of him still missed him.

The lost part of him.


The happy part of him.

Fundy shook his head and sighed, continuing his count, it was keeping him entertained for an impressively good amount of time.

He was already at the number 2000.

Dream sighed as he was pondering whether he should go apologise to Fundy or not.

La di die / / The Rose I offered 2 / / FundywastakenWhere stories live. Discover now