I'm Sorry

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Chloe's pov

4 months later

I lay on Ace's chest thinking about something. We have been going to nonstop parties for a while and honestly, it's kinda ruining my life. I don't wanna turn out like my first parents. Coming home and drinking every night, screwing up my family's life. I don't want that. I want to come home to my husband and my kids, who love me and trust me. Who I'm the perfect mom and wife to. I need to tell him. I don't know what I'll do if he doesn't even try to get clean.

"Hey baby" I look up at him


"I'm done with parties" I sit up getting off his chest

"What do you mean"

"I'm done with hangovers, I'm done with feeling like I need drugs, and I'm done with disappointing my family. They did so much for me when I was first adopted, and how do I repay them, by being a disrespectful asshole." I start bawling my eyes out.

Strong arms wrap around me and pull me into a tight hug. "Shhh it's ok, I get it. To be honest I have been feeling the same way. I hate that my parents have given up on me. I want them to be proud of me, and I can't do that if I keep living the way I'm living." I smile and kiss his cheek lightly.

"We do this together"


At home

I knock on mom and dad's door. I'm trembling, what if they have given up on me too. Tears start to pour out of my eyes again as mom opens the door. "Chloe sweetheart is everything ok" she hugs me and we walk into her room.

"Hey what's wrong" dad gets up from his desk

"I'm sorry" I cry and fall on to their bed.

"About what" mom brushes the hair out of my face. "Your not pregnant right"

"What no, of course not" I gasp "ace and I are always safe"

"Ah ah ah I don't need to know that." dad shudders "but what is going on, and why are you sorry"

"I'm sorry for being the worst daughter ever" I sob, mom and dad exchange a confused look "im sorry, I failed you I know. I want to get better."

Dad hugs me "Hey it's going to be alright, mom and I are going to be here for you. Anything you need, every single step of the way." I nod.

"Sweetheart how do you want to go about this" mom asks "you have a few options for getting help"

"I know and I already thought about it" I sigh "it's going to be hard for our family but I want to go to rehab."

"You mean away from your dad, Quinn and I?" mom asks

"Yah, but I think it's what's best" I frown and twiddle my thumbs

Mom and dad look at each other "whatever you want" mom smiles hugging me

"Come on, let's go look for a good place, and just so you know I am going to be extremely picky. Only the best for my daughter" dad huffs.

Ace's pov

That evening

I slam the door to my room. I fucking hate my parents. I told them that I wanted to get help to be a better man for Chloe, but they said I was hopeless and that whore of a girlfriend was just going to leave me. I mean what. How could they say something like that about their own son, not to mention Chloe who had been nothing but nice to them. She shows that 10x more respect to them than anyone I have ever dated, but to them she's still a whore.

When I told them about the center Chloe and her parents picked they said I wasn't allowed to go if Chloe is going to be there. What am I supposed to do? I love her. It's only been 4 months but I know that I love her more than anything else in the world. She just doesn't know it yet. Chloe has made me feel so different than any other girl I've dated. With her I feel so free. Free to be whoever I want, like I don't have to keep being a bad guy. I don't think I'm going to be able to go clean if I don't have Chloe with me, I need her.

Ace's house

I hear a knock on my door. "Come in," I whisper.

"Babe" Chloe peeks her head in "what happened, you were supposed to text me what your parents said."

I whimper "they said if I wanted to go that they would support me, but" I can't say it

"But what?" She asked

"But not if it was the same place you were" I sighed. She. Ran and jumped into my arms.

"No they can't separate us, I don't want to do it without you" she cried.

"Then they won't" I wiped my tears and hers.

"What do you mean?" She asked

"Let's run away, I know you want to be with your family but they are going to separate us if we don't." I say

"I guess, I know that the second my dad catches wind that your parents aren't ok with it, it's going to be 3 against 1. I know mom will be ok with it either way but, dad still isn't really a fan of you" she sighs

"So are we in agreement?"

"Let's do it" she smiles "we do it together or not at all," We spent the rest of the night planning. This is going to be hard but totally worth it.

A/N: first thank you so much for 6.5k on this book it makes me so happy that people are reading my writing. Second i want to just give a heads up there will be no chapter next week i have a lot going on and dont have the time, sorry about that. finally I want to thank everyone who has been putting my book on thier reading lists, im really happy to know people like it (i would give names but there are a bunch of people and i would have to search my notifications and im to lazy 🤷‍♀️) 

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