Surveillance: Isabelle

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A/n: This is from Isabelle's pov and not many will be like this, but it will change to Surveillance, I just needed a bit of an explanation to why Isabelle's here. This will be short and sweet.

I type in several series of code as Tony and Bruce drank.

"Please tell me you're not going to do drunk science?" I sigh half annoyed half bored. The codes still had to relay and I didn't want to wait for them to finish.

"Sooo, ishabelle," tony slurred together my name with a half smile his eyes were glazed over in this drunken state. "Have you and Lokes..... Yah know." I can feel my face redden for some reason I actually liked the idiot god.

"No." I know my face was red when I saw Bruce slowly cover his mouth and gurgle something under his breath.

"Really ishabelle? I shipped you twos. BRUCE! What did I call the shwip?" Tony waved his hand above his head trying to remember the name mash up I knew they had tried to make.

"Darkfrost, you know because of Schatten, that asshole shadow she has in her." Bruce's eyelids seemed to be heavy because he kept fighting to keep them open; but he was soon fully alert and sobered up as soon as a beaker is launched across the room.

"Whoa settle down carry!" Tony was alert also, his brown eyes were know wide with dp fear.

"I'm sorry, I-" just then Bruce knelt in front of me, holding my shoulders in his hands. My body stiffing in his hands, ever since I spent time in the asylum, for five years, I've been terrified of doctors. Even though I knew Bruce wouldn't hurt me, in this form at least.

"Isabelle, we don't blame you, of everyone I know what you've been through more than anyone else." I stare blankly at him. He did not know what it was like.

"Leave me alone, Bruce, just go get drunk with tony, and let me go." I push him away, and leave the lab to go to my room. I craved the seclusion of my room.

"What the fuck Bruce!" I could hear tony screech to Bruce when I was halfway down the hall.


Surveillance camera: Isabelle's room

"Schatten, you need to behave." Isabelle spoke to an invisible form. She sat in a fetal position on her bed knees up to her chest. "We need to behave." Isabelle's sighs slightly. "I just-I just wish someone understood. Understood the torture, the pain, hell I wish they would understand you." She pauses as if hearing a response. The room becomes darker, and her eyes close in frustration. "DONT GET MAD AT ME ITS YOUR FAULT!"

The room becomes normal once again, and Isabelle softly sobs to herself.

Oh my god I love this character so much. She started as a comic character and evolved into this so I'm sorry If she doesn't make any since but the asylum will be explained. Next chapter may be a flash back. If I don't get bored and do story time aka shipping with the avengers.

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