Home Movies

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Apparently I lied and this is the flashback type one. So sorry bout that, to anyone who's actually reading this. And wow furys kind of went dad mode on Loki, Isabelle hits hard. I'm gonna try and make the next one funny I swear just need to do the backstories ugh I need to make a separate story for that but oh well enjoy.

Chatroom: capismylife

(Maria is online)

(Fury is online)

Maria: that seemed a bit harsh banning everyone from there tech Nick.

Fury: he was kissing her -_-

Maria: so what? She's a woman.

Fury: Maria she's like a daughter to me.

Maria: She alike a daughter to me too Nick. I went through the same stage she's in. The bad boy stage.

Fury: please no •_•

Maria: *sigh*

Fury: they were discussing me

Maria: so

Fury: then they kissed both were very intimate.

Maria: oh snookums maybe she actually likes him?

(Coulson is online)

Coulson: O.o ummm.......snookums?

Fury: you tell anyone you're dead......again

(Fury logs off)

Maria: so you know that he still has home movies of Isabelle ^_^

Coulson: how old?

Maria: well she's 6

Coulson: must watch XD

(Maria logs out)

(Coulson logs out)


Home movie: Isabelle and Fury

A young Isabelle's talking to an unseen person, she's in a large back yard of a mansion the woods can be seen behind her. She swings halfheartedly then stops. The camera zooms in and out caus ing the image to blur then clear. "Go on Nick, she'll probably love you." An unseen man speaks on the camera his British accent rich and warm.

"I don't know, Richard. You did say she's been strange. Talking to an imaginary friend is one thing, but an intelligent conversation?" A young nick fury walks into view his tightly cut hair, was damp with sweat from the unrelenting heat.

"Come on, Nick. I just want to know if she's mentally ill or just being a child or....."

"Or what." Nick prompted as his face went cold.

"Things have been moving in the house, Isabelle's not afraid of the dark anymore, which is good, but...I don't know."

The camera cuts to Isabelle and Nick fury talking in the kitchen of the manor. "Isabelle. I'm Nick Fury, a friend of your father." Isabelle's doesn't seem to be paying attention, she's kicks her legs and stares at the chair beside her as if seeing an unseen object. "Isabelle, I need you to pay attention."

"Daddy, can I play outside?" Isabelle voice though still a child's is just as thick and rich as her fathers. "Schatten and I want to play outside."

"Isabelle, uncle Nick would like to ask you questions first." Richard comes into view, he has the same dark curls as his daughter, his hair is pushed back to reveal soldier blue eyes. "Will you answer his questions?"

Isabelle nods, long brown hair jostling in its unkept mess. "Then can we go outside?"

"Of course you can." Fury interrupts. "Know tell me. Who is Schatten." Isabelle looks back to the empty chair. "Is he in that chair?" Isabelle nods.

"He promised to protect me. Am I in trouble?" Isabelle's blue eyes shone bright at her father.

"Are you trouble often?" Fury asks his voice low and soft as if he doesn't want to startle her. Isabelle shyly nods. "How are you punished?" Richard stiffens, his eyes lock onto fury.

"I don't punish her, but my wife autumn she's around more she might ha-" Richard starts.


"Yes, my sweet?" His voice hitches as he tears up.

"Can you get my dolly I think I left her out side." Richard leaves and the door shutting behind him echoes through the massive, empty house.

"Isabelle, you didn't answer me?"

"Mother, locks me in my wardrobe," her voice is too serious for a six year old. "She says, if I'm not good the monsters will...come on get me." Her eyes fill with tears.

"Why wouldn't you say this when your father was in the room?" Fury saw how smart the young girls was, smarter at least than most.

"Schatten, said not to. He told me, that daddy would leave mother, but loose me too." Isabelle looks at fury. "And I know he's right."

"Who's Schatten Isabelle's?"

"He's my shadow, and he's not imaginary."

Camera cuts to outside again, Isabelle is sitting in the yard, talking to the unseen being. She stops and listens as if it talks to her back.

"So Nick, what did you think?" Richard sat at a small deck table with a lemonade in hand. "Is my daughter crazy, or is she just a kid?"

"Neither, your daughter is special." Fury looks at Isabelle from across the lawn. "Promise me this Richard, when she's of age I want her to work for me."

"I don't know, what we do is dangerous Nick. I'd be happy if I can just let her believe, I'm a paleontologist for the rest of my life I'd be satisfied, but you're right she is special. " he slightly chuckles to himself. "She begs me, every night I'm here, to read to her out that old journal."

"The field notes?"

"Yeah, she especially loves the ones about Norse mythology."

"Which stories her favorite?"

"Most of the ones about Loki, the God of Mischief and lies." Richard takes a sip of lemonade. "She even, corrects me on some of my tech projects. You see that wind mill" points to windmill by a doll house. "She made the blueprints and we made it together. It actually runs power to doll house, and pumps water to it at the same time." Richard looks into his lemonade sadly, the. Continues with a sigh. "Remember that promise you made me Nick. About if something happens to me you'd take care of Isabelle."


"Good, because Nick I'm---"

(End of transmission)


Chat room: capislife

(Coulson is online)

(Maria is online)


Maria: I didn't know that.....I'm gonna go talk to Isabelle

(Maria logs off)

(Coulson logs off)

Please read my In the dark story for more Isabelle and Schatten

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