The Kiss

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Soo Isabelle stormed off cried a bit and this is later that night sums it up and all so yeah. Omg I just got on and saw that 22 people have read this thank you so much

Text: Loki to Isabelle

Loki: r u ok?

Isabelle: yeah

Isabelle: nope

Loki: want me to over?

Isabelle: fury would kill you

Loki: it's not like he's ur dad

Isabelle: ....

Loki: he's not is he?

Isabelle: does God father count?

Loki: oh for Valhalla sake Isabelle!

Isabelle: I really don't need this right now

Loki: I'm sorry.....and I'm coming over.

Surveillance: hallway domestic (Isabelle)

Loki stops just outside of Isabelle's room, he's raised his hand to knock but his hand lingers in the air. "Why am I doing this?" He mutters under his breath. With a deep breath he's about to knock, but the door opens. A red eyed Isabelle, with her disheveled hair with the tips died red, wearing an old t-shirt that looks ancient.

"Loki?" Her voice was weak, and gurgled together. She must have been crying for hours. Loki looks her up and down, then finally he speaks.

"Come here," he opens his arms, as Isabelle slide into them wrapping her arms around his waist.

"I fucking hate everyone!" She was on the verge of tears again but Loki simply holds her close.

"You and me both." he gently whispers. Picking her up bridal style into the room.


Surveillance: labs

Isabelle's forgotten lap top dings into life. "What was that?" Bruce moves over to lap top and sees Isabelle and Loki lying on a bed, spooning. His arm is reached over her and with the arm under him, he's is lightly stroking her hair and twirling a curl between his fingers. "TONY!!" Bruce summons Tony stark to see what he had discovered.

"Yay! DARKFROST!" Tony smiled then slight anger set in. "Fuck."

"I know, clintasha for life!"

"No there talking about us." Tony brought the image to the bigger screen.


Isabelle's point of view

I could feel Loki's breath against my neck, you would expect a frost giant to be cold but his warm hands touched the nape gently, slowly lulling me to sleep.

"Loki? They just don't understand." My hands follow don't his arm that is draped carelessly across my side.

"And you truly thought that they would?" Loki's fingers looped around my hand, slowly bringing my hand up to his shoulder.

"I don't know. Fury told me that they would, you know with nat, and Bruce, but they all think it's Schatten...."

"I know what truly bothers you, Isabelle." He lets go of my hand and his travels up my arm to my back. "The scars of your past are no secret." His fingers trace several scars that take up most of my upper act between my shoulders blades.

"They think I'm a monster, or crazy! I just....I just want to be normal!" I sit up suddenly fresh tears spilling down my face. I feel loki's arm encircle my waist, his warm breath caressing my neck once again.

"Your not a monster." His hand nudges my chin as I look back towards him. "I will be here for you even if you do not wish it." His face was now barely an inch away from my face. I look at his thin lips mixed feeling surge trough me. I only thought of Loki as a friend but now as I feel my lips make contact with his, I believe differently.

Surveillance: labs

"Oh my GOOODDDDDD!" Bruce screeched like a crazed fangirl as Tony searched his wallet for an amount to pay Bruce. They had apparently gambled on the two. "Did you see that! OH MY GOD!"

"I gotta call the others." Tony finally chirped after the money was exchanged.

Well I guess Loki likes Isabelle or he just took the opportunity. Will fury find out, what will the others think of this. How far will this go? Thank you for reading so far. I'll post a picture for this chapter soon....i swear.

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