Tony text to isabelle

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So my last chapter was a complete fail. DO YOU GUYS EVEN LIKE THIS GIMMIE IDEAS IM RUNNING OUT.

Text Isabelle and Tony

<Issy belly>

Hey sexy

<iron arse>

I'm gonna tell pepper you called me sexy


Go ahead she loves me anyway ☺️


Fine so you and Lokes back together


We were never together


Yeah and I'm broke


You do know that Loki and I are- were just friends


WERE just friends? You seen jormungond?


NO OH MY GOD DONT CALL IT THAT JUST EW YOU EW STARK, and fyi we are not together he's an arse face


An arse face you kissed. 😘


Please don't remind me


So i was wondering if you would like to go bike riding w/ me and pep


1st Why? 2nd oh my god ur tinny legs peddling a bike


Because she just asked me to tell you, and sHUT UP ABOUT MY LEGS


I don't to ride a bike


Wattttttttttttt! You don't know how to ride a bike! We need to teach you oh my god why didn't your parents ever teach you!


Dead dad, bitch mom do the math ironarse


Sorry but come on your an assassin, thief, hacker, awesomeness person how do you not know?


I. Never. Wanted. To. Learn.
Also by the time I was 4 I knew how to drive a car and successfully did until I was arrested for car theft


How old


4 1/2


Cool gtg peps wants me know ;)


ew Isabelle out BTW YOU GOTS BABY LEGS!!!!!

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