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I had a strong thought, "what if they sang campfire Songs? No not just campfire songs, competitive campfire songs." That's how this chapter was birthed.

Ps. Using there avatar names and might be in separate parts one chapter for each song so you guys can be the judges....please comment share and fav Kay. ;)

Everyone was bored, even with a whole virtual world of possibilities, they where. It was getting dark, in game, and well our heroes made camp.

"Steve start the fire. Tony and Bruce set up the tents. Thor and Loki, get firewood. Clint and Nat get is some food if there's any around. Bucky go get some water." Thal barked orders, but really she didn't do much on her own.

After awhile everyone is back at camp, all aggravated with Thal barking orders. Steve had the fire started, and they were all searching there haul from the bandit attack. Loki got first pick from his actions.

"Lame, there's a lute!" Kazal snorts when he sees the lute sticking out of one of the packs.

"Lutes aren't lame." Elsa mumbles his gaze shifted to Thal who was slightly giggling.

"I'm guessing you know how to play one?" Ironfaun tilts his head looking at Elsa. Everyone tried to stifle a laugh when Elsa's face got red. "Oh my fucking god, you do!"

"Tony aren't you a atheist? So it's not really your God." Thal was quick to bark at Ironfaun trying to change the topic. She didn't really care if Elsa could play the lute, it wouldn't change the way she saw him, but Kazal and Ironfaun bothered her when the absently judged him.

"Yeah, but it's only a saying, and Loki can play the fucking lute!" The fauns face beamed as a smile spread from ear to ear.

"Isabelle, I'm fine. I learned how to play lute to keep me out of trouble when I was younger." Elsa put his hand on Thals shoulder, trying to stifle the wood elf's anger.

"I can see where that went." Blaze looked at her grey skin with little to no amusement.

"Who taught you....your mommy." Steve tried to tease like the rest of them, he thought it made him on of the "cool kids", but it only made him a dick.

"Yes actually." Elsa stared and Steve his eyebrows furrowed.

"Our mother is.....dead, Captain Rogers."Poptarts starts to slightly whimper at the "d" word.

"I-I'm sorry." Steve starts to pout, he knew that feeling of losing someone.

"Nice one cap, making the big guy cry like that!" Ironfaun scolds Steve. Falk had been siting there calmly and quite but with a quick motion he punches Ironfaun.

Elsa starts to play the opening to riptide by Vance Joy, causing the bickering to stop. Elsa starts to sing.

"I was scared of dentists and the dark / I was scared of pretty girls and starting conversations." He takes a quick look at Falk. "Oh, all my friends are turning green,/ You're the magician's assistant in their dreams./ Oh, and they come unstuck." He starts to blush as Thal move in closer to him.
"Lady, running down to the riptide/Taken away to the dark side/ I wanna be your left hand man."

"I love you when you're singing that song and/I got a lump in my throat because/You're gonna sing the words wrong" Thal starts to sing with hi there voices in perfect harmony.

"There's this movie that I think you'll like/This guy decides to quit his job and heads to New York City/This cowboy's running from himself/And she's been living on the highest shelf." A smile crosses both of there faces, same with a blush.

"I so ship it." Iron faun leans over to buck50 who tells him to shush. Steve starts to beat a beat on a SHEILD he had claimed. Bruce is raping in nukes across scaled armor.

"Oh, and they come unstuck/ Lady, running down to the riptide/Taken away to the dark side/I wanna be your left hand man." Blaze joined, and soon Kazal joined, plucking on his bow sting making a deep melody to accompany else's lute.

"I love you when you're singing that song and/I got a lump in my throat because/You're gonna sing the words wrong." Ironfaun starts to tape his hooves to the beat but is still not singing with them. Falk proceeds to makes the '0ohhh' parts with Poptarts.

"I just wanna, I just wanna know/If you're gonna, if you're gonna stay" Loki sings by him self. "I just gotta, I just gotta know/I can't have it, I can't have it any other way."

"I swear she's destined for the screen/Closest thing to Michelle Pfeiffer that you've ever seen, oh." Only the guys sing, Ironfaun finally joins.

"Lady, running down to the riptide/Taken away to the dark side/I wanna be your left hand man." Everyone is enjoying themselves smiling and slightly laughing when they squeak or there voices crack. "I love you when you're singing that song and/I got a lump in my throat because/You're gonna sing the words wrong"

"Oh lady, running down to the riptide/Taken away to the dark side/I wanna be your left hand man." Ironfaun does a solo.

"I love you when you're singing that song and/I got a lump in my throat because/You're gonna sing the words wrong" Thal and blaze harmonize causing the guys to almost choke in amazement.

"Oh lady, running down to the riptide/Taken away to the dark side/I wanna be your left hand man" the guys sing in response.

"I love you when you're singing that song and/I got a lump in my throat because/You're gonna sing the words wrong/I got a lump in my throat because you're gonna sing the words wrong" together they end of a good note. Everyone laughs when they finish. Elsa still absently fiddles with the lute, smiling at Thal. She simply blushes at him.

"Okay fine, that was good." Ironfaun crosses his arms. "But who can sing better? I say we have a competition!"

"And what's the wager?" Steve looks the faun in the eyes.

"Who ever wins, had bragging rights and the loser, and there will be a loser." Points to Elsa, who furrows his eye brows. "Has to pretend to be an oversized baby around, Nick Fury. Complete with a 'I went duty on my pant!' Comment." They all nod, Elsa wants to beat the faun in such an easy condition more than any of them.

Tony goes first next chapter.

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