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6. Lets go?

Jimin glanced at the floor and back at you making it hard for you to see what he was thinking till a smile crept up his face as he turned his gaze back to you causing you to have high hopes.

"Okay then" Jimin smiled brightly causing his eyes to become crescent moons.

I returned the smile before we walked to his apartment door I knocked on the door once but before I was about to knock the second time the door swung open revealing your neighbour, Jungkook.

You still had your fist up ready to knock but Jimin pushed it back down as you awkwardly smiled at Jungkook. He raised an eyebrow with his lips formed in a straight line like always which looked hella imitating.

Causing me to gulp Maybe this isn't the right timing. You glanced at Jimin who was now also looking at you with a 'hurry the fudge up we don't have all day face. I turned back to Jungkook who was ready to close his door on us. 

"Jungkook umm would you like to come with us to get like umm Maccas?" You stiffly spoke

Jungkook glanced behind me to where Jimin was then back at me before nodding and shutting his door on our faces. So umm yes or no, I sighed and turned back to Jimin who was standing behind me awkwardly.

"So do we just go" I scratch the nape of my neck

Jimin pulls his phone out of his pocket and scrolls though not glancing at me "We wait"

I scoff loudly I believe the whole world heard it "Why" I whine

"Keep scoffing your going to choke one day and die don't say I didn't warn you. And duh we gotta wait for Jungkook" He says the last part in a duh tone.

I roll my eyes not putting an effort to argue back as my eyes travel to the elevator as the doors clink open on the other side of the hallway. Turning my attention towards the doors.

 A couple exit out of the metal doors a girl with long brunette locks and owning those Instagram model bodies. She wore a slutty short dress as her hips swayed when she walked. Her fake boobs jiggled to every step she took. 

The guy next to her had his hand snacked around her tiny waist the guy was one head taller than the girl and had jet black hair sitting all fluffy on his head. His body was toned and the tan just adding a cherry on top of his look. He wore a silk black button up shirt as the first two buttons were undone showing his chest slightly. His rosy red lips parted as a deep chuckle left his mouth.

His brown orbs made contact with yours, as a pink tint flushed upon your cheeks from embarrassment from the guy checking you out. You were flustered even more when the guy winked at you before passing by with his girl and in the right door to your room.

Wait a second his my new neighbour, come on two sexy neighbours and I'm in the middle I'm living the kdrama life.

Jimin chuckled at you catching you off guard as your eyes moved from his door to your best friend.

Jimin snickers "Stop daydreaming you're going to die single anyways"

You punch him playfully in the shoulder, before you shook him aggressively "Omg did you see the cute guy winked at me oh my god Jimin did you see that"

Your voice came out as high pitch as possible. Just like high schooler seeing their crush walk by.

Jimin blinks a couple of times before pushing you off him "Jeez I think he has got a girlfriend though"

I frown slightly "But still I got a cute neighbour, huh I got two you got none" I stick my tongue out

Jimin looks down at me in disbelief, "Girl I'm straight but I don't mind having a one night stay though with a guy like him" He smirks seductively at the end.

You smack him a few times on the bicep as he tries to push you away while laughing.

"Eww get away from me you pervert"

Suddenly someone behind us clears their throat, bringing us to a halt. I retrieve my hands and drop them on either side of me. We slowly turn our heads to the source.

Where Jungkook was standing there in a black polo and ripped dark blue jeans. Also wearing work boots. In his arms laid the infant wrapped in a white blanket that she was given in.

she was asleep making Jimin whisper. "Oh, she's cute. Your daughter?"

Jimin's eyes were barely visible as he smiled lovingly at the child. Jungkook cleared his voice awkwardly trying to play it cool "Uhh no, umm she's my cousin's daughter. Yep my niece and I had to babysit her"

Jimin's eyes bulged as he apologised in a panic "Oh I'm sorry it's just she looked like you"

Jungkook shook his head as he kept his poker face on.

"No no, I got that a lot today" He chuckles

Jimin laughs along as soon as it started it ended leaving us engraved in unsettling silence.

I coughed before taking a step back and pushing my hands back "Umm let's go I guess, to Mcdonalds?"

They both nodded as I was turning around to walk in the direction of the elevator. I swore I saw Jungkook glare at Jimin but I'm probably imagining it. 


Sorry for the wait, follow to keep up with my updates bye buns <3

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