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10. backstabber 

"Yoongi Oppa" You run towards the male full speed charging into his embrace which the grey haired guy quickly closes the distance taking you in also helping him balance from the sudden impact.

"Hows my favourite lil sister doing" He hums feeling his shirt wetten slightly knowing you and your emotional ass he didn't pull out but slightly rocked the two of you.

"Hyung oh gosh it's been so long" Jimin saves the akwardness with his signiture smile. Yoongi looks slightly baffled to see your bestfriend here slightly questioning teh fact you still had friends. But recovers quickly throwing a smile back at the guy you stood awkwardly in the middle of your living room.

"Jimin it's been long man, how have you been" Jimin answered back quickly "Leave that how have you been haven't seen you in ages"

Yoongi chuckles pulling out of the hug looking down at your face before laughing in a teaseing manner "I thought you would be happy to see me" Older brother mode activated.

"I am" You try to defend your self but it was useless as the two males joined in to make you feel more scrubbier.

"Did she trouble you" Yoongi still had one hand around your shoulder while both of them were looking at you while trying to keep it in while your head was lowered bangs dangled off your face-hiding your socked face.

"Oh yeah she won't stop bothering me" But a pillow slaps the male in the face as you snarl. "What do you mean you randomly re appeared in my life like a few days ago"

Not letting you speak further Yoongi envelops around you again clearing the tear stream off your face as he grinned.

"Yen calm down we were just joking around"

Your eyes faltered up to his face as you tried to look strong in front of your older brother which you could barely recognise. His once jet black hair a mint green, he had definitely been hitting the gym for frequently you could just feel his biceps flex against you.

"Are you trying to show off?" You wipe your face with your sleeve. The sudden question caught Yoongi off guard as his hands fall to his side.

"What?" The male was caught completely off guard trying to figure out what you meant but you broke off his thoughts.

"Your muscles" Yoongi grins once again as he flexes his biceps causing you to roll your eyes. Jimin who had just recovered from the pillow attack had a scowl upon his face as his ruffled his hair out in some hopes of fixing his amazing hair.

"Anyways, how are your studies?" the male stops the laughter getting into the more serious topic, even though he might not be bothered about you he did care about you a lot and your future and he was ready to support you in what you were wanting to do but he needed to do his role as well.

"It's good" you simply state flopping onto the cushioned red pillows propped neatly on your couch.

"You have any idea what you want to do yet, I mean you don't have to-" Yoongi props down on the single seater but looked at you bewildered at your next statement.

"Fashion designer" You genuinely smiled just thinking of where you would be in the next few years.

"You can take your time you don't have to rush, it's a big decision" Jimin nods slowly while leaning against the kitchen counter as Yoongi nods in reunion.

"I have already gotten into Uni for a bachelor's degree" you state slowly slightly scared for your brother's reaction. But the male didn't react in any way you thought.

𝐌𝐫. 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 • 𝐣𝐣𝐤Where stories live. Discover now