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Hi, please leave a vote if you liked this chapter. Thanks for waiting patiently for this update. Play this song for the chapter. 😁

Disclaimer: I do not own the song  or the video are credits to the rightful owner. 

8 . Appa

The ride was quiet the only sound that could be heard was the engine and the gurgling of the baby in the back in her black car seat. As for you, you were sitting in the passenger seat holding your breathe as Jungkook was driving effortlessly with one hand.

Jungkook turned his head to meet your confused gaze he sighed deeply before looking back at the road.

"Look I'm... Sorry for messing up your fun I got a... little ahead of myself" He confessed in a low voice.

Your eyes bulged, Mr Jeon the cold and arrogant professor just put his pride down to apologise to you?

You stuttered trying to find words "Oh- Umm- I- we-" One of his hands snacked its way to your hand and pat it lightly in reassurance.

Your eyes jolted from Jungkook and to his hand, but you knew for a fact your cheeks were redder than a tomato

You cleared your throat finally getting the words out "No it's okay he kinda deserved to be ditched though he was acting up, he only does that when I like someon-" You slam your palms on top of your mouth as your eyes were wider then plates. Couldn't keep that mouth shut could you Y/n.

Jungkook on the other hand cleared his throat as an "oh" Just came past his lips. A thick silence set in you could technically cut it with a knife.

You opened your mouth trying to fix the atmosphere "I didn't mean that you know that baby is cute he wanted to make fun of the love I had for the- child- yeah haha"

Jungkook on the other hand nodded but you could see he had a slight smile playing on his lips. You tried not to think about it and turned your attention to the tiny little thing looking at the toy like it was the whole world.

You were caught off guard when the infant locked eyes with you causing you to smile but when the baby smiled showing one of her front teeth you had melted in a puddle of cuteness.

Jungkook also had witnessed the cute scene through the rearview mirror as he watched mesmerized at the ball of sunshine.

"She looks like you," Jungkook said but if only you knew this added a stronger desire for the man driving to protect the golden girl from the world. But who knew this could be a new start for all of you. But only time could tell.

Jungkook offered a tired smile to me as we both had just flopped on the couch after settling a fussy baby to sleep. A silence set in but it was a comfortable one which we all needed now. I glanced at the black analogue clock hanging across us. I cracked a muscle in my neck as my eyebrows raised a brow as I mumbled the numbers the long hands pointed to.

"12:14 am" Jungkook looks in the direction I was looking in as he groans softly before we look at each other.

"Sorry, you probably had better things to do-" Grumbling cut off Jungkooks apology as his eyes travelled down you to your stomach. You felt a burning sensation in the tips of your ears.

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