
807 34 2

I'm sick  and staying home so I'm writing this 😢 don't forget to vote though :')..... please. Press on the music when I say so. 

Don't study drunk.

"So I to-ld the milk ma--n where do you get the milk and you know wh-at he said" You slured swishing the bottle around carelessly as Jungkook nodded half more sane then you were but still drunk.

"Maam a cow" Then you yell frightening Jungkook as the poor male nearly falls off his seat "Then I said I just wanted the consumers information and the guy was judging me like how was I meant to know it cam e from a cow" You looked quite offended Jungkook gasps for the dramatic effects as he chugs down another bottle. 

"Do you put your cereal first or the milk" Jungkook's eyes widen as he joins both his hands and pleads. "Please don't involve me in this argument you literally made a school debate and took this topic all the way to the principle and even argued with the PRINCIPLE"

You chuckle confidently "I mean it was a serious topic" 

(I'm sorry my humor broke)

"Yeah yeah you know why I hate love?"

"Why" You both were drunk you really didn't know what you were saying and what you weren't. "When I was 19 I found a girl I liked at collage and she looked interested in me as well. But turns put I was her side chick because the day I decided to propose I saw her boyfriend propose to her in front of me" The room went silent the soft snores from the baby was the only thing cutting the ice.

"You want to listen to some music?" You change topic's draping your phone from your back pocket without hesitation Jungkook nods while you were scrolling though your phone to find a song Jungkook reached for the baby putting her back in his room and shutting the door behind so the music wouldn't of woken the sleeping beauty. 

"FOund one" A devilish smirk danced across your lips as you press play. 

(Press Play on date music at the top now bae) 

"I aM HeAlThY I Am WeAlThY i Am ThaT BiT*H" You screamed on top of your lungs while jumping on the couch but not only that you were also tossing your cash around like you are at a concert.

Meanwhile Jungkook was laughing his ass off. "get down" He tried swatting you down but you leaped onto another single seator.

"Junglebook I wanna tell you something" Jungkook sighs sharply putting an effort to hear what you had to say over your loud music.

"I Yen confess that I cheated on last weeks homework" You twirl around but stop to see Jungkook rock hard expression.

"Sit your ass down right now and get your textbook" Jungkook clenched his teeth the sunlight highlighted his razor sharp jawline. He stared into your soul, there goes the fun. Goosebumps traveled up your arm as you slowly lowered your self down as you trembled under his gaze.

"Section 34 the common punishments" Jungkook walks around the sofa you were seated on. One hand holding the textbook while the other held accountable on his back. While I sat with my notebook in my hand jotting down anything he said out of fear.

But the fact that it was nearly past 12 didn't help the fact I couldn't keep my eyes open. "Jungkook please can we stop now" I plead turning my head to look at him as his eyes lift from the paper. "This was your punishment you can go sleep now"

𝐌𝐫. 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲 • 𝐣𝐣𝐤Where stories live. Discover now