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"Kohana? What the hell are you doing here?!" A feeling of anger invades me as I face the blonde girl.

"I'm leaving the city and wanted to talk to you before I go. I'm not here to fight, I swear." She explains herself and I simply sigh. This is definitely the last thing I want to do.

"Fine, come in." I reply, giving her space to pass.

"Thank you." Kohana smiles.


After paying the taxi I walk straight to Sasuke's apartment as I think about our future conversation. I'm really worried about his reaction but a part of me tries to think positive. Maybe he'll be happy and we'll start a family. God, who am I kidding? Sasuke is going to freak out, I can feel it. But it's not like it's all my fault. We were both careless. All my thoughs go away as I hear a pair of voices and see Sasuke with Kohana walking out of his house. What is she doing here?

"I'm glad we did this." I hear Kohana say. What the hell?

"Me too." Sasuke's back is facing me. "But do me a favor and keep it between us."

"Of course. You can trust me, Sasuke." She hugs him and he doesn't even push her away. "Oh no." Her eyes meet mines as Sasuke turns around to face me.

"You fucking liar." I push him against the wall and storm out of there as tears fall down my eyes.

How could he do this? After what we've been through because of her he has the nerve to bring her to his house? Did they sleep together? No, Sasuke wouldn't do that... Right? But she said she was glad they did that and he asked to stay between them. I always had a feeling there was something between them especially since she tried to break us up. My head starts spinning but then I recall something. I'm having our baby and Sasuke has no idea. Shit, things aren't really in my favour.

I keep running towards my house when a hand grabs my wrist, pulling me into an alley. Of course Sasuke caught me. I push myself away and as I open my mouth to speak I see it's not the raven haired boy.

"You thought it was him, didn't you?" The man who has resembles with Sasuke smirks at me. Oh no. It's Madara.

"Let me go." I try to say with confidence.

"I don't think so. You see, I told Sasuke to stay away from you but he decided to be a stubborn brat and didn't listen to me." Madara grabs my wrist again, pushing me against the wall. "Did you actually think I wouldn't notice that you two stole some papers from me? Foolish."

"I said... Let me go!" I gather all my strenght to punch him but he's faster enough to stop me.

"You two are going to pay. Now Orochimaru." I hear Madara say before another man covers my nose and mouth with a cloth that cointans chloroform making me pass out.


"I have to go." I say to Kohana.

"Of course. Just be careful." She replies and I run out of the building. 

I look around and knowing Sakura like I do she probably went home. I start running straight to Sakura's house only hoping to find her there. When I get there nobody answers the door so I climb to her balcony but she's nowhere to be seen. Damn it, where is she? As I leave her house I call her phone but no answer. I call our friends hoping they know where she is but no one has seen her since we gathered at my house. As I'm about to call her again I get a call from Madara. What does he want?

"What?" I try to contain my anger towards this man.

"Well, hello dear nephew."

"What do you want, Madara?" I sigh.

"I thought I told you to dump the pinky girl or there would be consequences."

"Let her go, this is between you and me." I say as anger boils inside of me.

"It's not going to be that simple. You see, I know you stole something from me." His voice gets angrier.

"Fine, I'll give you the damn papers."

"I'm not stupid, Sasuke. You probably made copies of them." Madara takes a pause. "I'll only release the girl in one condition."

"What is it?" I swear I'm going to kill him.

"Leave today for the U.S. and she's free. You have 3 hours." And with that he hangs up.

There's gotta be another way, I can't leave to the U.S.. I call everyone as I run straight to my house. In a matter of fifteen minutes we're all gathered around the kitchen table discussing our options. But I can't think straight. I can't let him hurt Sakura.

"What if we try to locate his phone?" Naruto asks.

"He's not stupid enough to let that happen. Besides, he probably has one of those untrackable phones." Shisui replies and we all nod. Shit, we have to come up with something and fast.

"But we can track Sakura's phone." Shikamaru faces us, waiting for an answer. And that's when it hits me.

"Great idea." I grab my phone searching for the tracking app. "When me and Sakura got back together I put a track on her phone just in case something like this happened."

"Where is she then?" Itachi looks at me just like the rest of them.

"She's in a building near the old Uchiha Police Station."

"Everyone knows the plan. Let's go." Obito says and we all leave my house.


I wake up feeling a little dizy and as I try to move I feel my wrists cuffed to the wall. My eyes scan the room noticing I'm not alone. Madara, Orochimaru and two other men sat on a table. The moment Madara notices I'm awake he tells the other men to leave the room. Once we're alone he walks to my encounter with a disgusting smile on his lips.

"I see you're awake." I remain silent which he seems to enjoy. "I can't wait to kill you."

"What?" Panic runs over my body as those last words replay on my head.

"Oh right, you don't know." Madara laughs evilly. "You see, I made a deal with Sasuke. He's leaving Konoha in exchange of your freedom. But of course I'm not letting you go, you know too much... And you're also carrying his child." My eyes widen in shock with all the information. "That's right. I know everything, Haruno girl."

"Please... I'll do anything." I beg as tears fall down my eyes. "I won't say anything about you and will stay away from Sasuke..." My voice starts to fail.

"I don't think so. But enjoy your last hours alive." He says before leaving me all alone.

The Choice 2 (SasuSaku)Where stories live. Discover now