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I haven't seen Sasuke since that day and somehow I understand why. We have to be careful because of Madara's contacts but that doesn't mean we can't call or text each other. For now we mainly talk about what he and Itachi decided to do and when. Although I ended up telling him about the conversation I heard between them and apologized for lying to him. He seemed to perfectly understand my position and also apologized for what he put me through. Actually, he would apologize everyday and I would always forgive him.

I didn't give a lot of details to my parents about our break up, only saying that we were just taking a break and also admitted that I didn't want to move to Australia and that would rather proceed my studies in Konoha, along with my friends. I noticed that at first they were a little concern and perhaps disappointed but the joy of having me home was bigger. On that moment I immediately sent an application to Konoha University, only praying that I would be accepted. I also called Itachi because of Sasuke's situation. He told me Sasuke was already accepted here long before this whole situation happened, making me really glad.

Apart from this, we haven't told our friends about this whole new situation between us yet but I don't mind. I know Sasuke has a lot to think about right now and when this whole situation end we will work out everything. Together.

I'm caught by surprise with a text from Sasuke. Apparentely he sent it to all of our friends as well, asking us to meet him at his house. I'd be lying if I said that's not a surprise. I quickly get up from my bed and change from my pj's to a blue and white crop top, a pair of denim shorts and my favorite shoes, a pair of black and white sneakers. I brush my hair that's starting to reach the middle of my back and had a few bangs, brush my teeth and wash my face. I head back to my bedroom to grab my phone, wallet and keys and since my parents aren't home I just head out straight to Sasuke's house.

I walk to my destination and once I get there I knock on the door, waiting for someone to open it. I can't deny that I'm feeling a bit nervous about this whole situation but I have to keep my posture. I take deep breaths until the door is opened, revealing Sasuke.

"Hey, Sakura." He says with his gentle tone. God, he looks so handsome with his little bangs covering his forehead, his onyx eyes that can make me melt just by looking at them, his lips that I can't resist to kiss, his toned up body covered by his black shirt only leaving his strong arms to be seen and his angelic face that's the most beautiful thing I ever seen.

"H... Hi..." I stutter, almost punching myself for sounding so shy around him.

"Come in." He gives me space to get inside and after doing so I immediately look around for any sign of our friends. "You're the first one to show up and I'm kind of glad about it. You see, I decided to gather everyone and..." But I interrupt him as I lead my hands to the back of his head and pull him closer to me, kissing his lips. I know we have problems to solve but I can't take it anymore. I need his touch, I need to feel his lips on mine... I need him.

Sasuke seems to understand what I'm doing and quickly kisses me back, holding my waist with his hands as he guides us to the couch. I lay down with him on top of me but without breaking the kiss. His right hand goes to my tight, squeezing it gently and making me moan. He takes that chance to slide his tongue inside my mouth while my hands start to play with his hair and pulling it softy. I gain a moan from him and I bit his bottom lip.

We break the kiss, taking a deep breath and that's when our eyes meet. I can tell he wants me as much as I want him and the way he's looking at me... Is the exact same way he did the night we made love for the first time.

He leads one of his hands to my cheek, rubbing it gently while the other remains placed on my waist. I want to say something but the words just won't come out. And, like always, he seems to read my thoughts.

"First of all, you don't need to apologize for kissing me because we both wanted this." Sasuke starts to say, holding my hand with the one that was on my waist and intertwining our fingers. "Second, I was really hoping we could talk about our situation. Sakura, I..." And he's interrupted again. But this time, by the bell.

I try to contain my laugh as we both get up from the couch and fix our clothes and hair. Once we're ready, I sit on the couch while he goes open the door. God, I still can't believe this actually happened. But one thing is for sure. No matter how much I try I can't deny my love for this man.


I go open the door as the memories of the previous event fly threw my mind. Me and Sakura kissed again and now I really want to talk to her about us but seems like we're out of luck. The moment I open the door I see Naruto, Hinata, Ino, Sai, Shikamaru and Temari. They're my closest friends so there's no need to involve anyone else. Besides Temari, everyone has a stern expression on their faces and I honestely I can't blame them.

"Hi. Come in." Is all I manage to say before they all get inside and greet Sakura. Guess they really grew closer. Once they're all sit on the couch and the floor, I walk to their encounter, standing in front of them. "Well, the reason I called you all here is because I want to explain everything that's been going on." I start to say, staring at Sakura who gives me a small smile and then look back at everyone. I explain everything about the conversations I had with Madara, all he did to me and my family and also about Orochimaru and Kabuto. "I'm sorry I acted like a fucking coward, guys. I just thought I had no choice." I finish, letting out a sigh that I didn't know I was holding. They all stare at me either with shock, sadness or anger.

"Sasuke..." Naruto stands up, standing face to face with me. "You should have told us before! We could've helped you!" My best friend yells before giving me a hug. I have to admit I missed this idiot.

"Naruto's right! We're your friends for the good and bad moments." Ino says, showing me a small smile.

"This is troublesome but true." Shikamaru crosses his arms behind his head.

"So... Do you have a plan, Sasuke?" It's Sai turn to speak.

"Well, actually me and my brother are gathering some relatives that either work at the Police Station or the Court so they can help us catch Madara admiting everything." I say, noticing Sakura seems tense. I really have to talk to her. "Also, we'll need Orochimaru and Kabuto there since they're involved as well."

"We can help, right everyone?" Naruto turns to everyone and they all nod, making me realize how great my friends are.

We decide to spend the rest of the afternoon discussing the details of the plan me and Itachi designed until my older brother comes home. There we decide it will be better to leave the girls out of it and that way, me and Itachi will meet up with Madara, Orochimaru and Kabuto while Naruto, Sai and Shikamaru stay hidden in case of something happens. Also, according to Itachi, Shisui and Obito that also work at the Police Station are going to help with everything and his girlfriend, Izumi, who's a lawyer will help once the three men are arrested.

With this, the plan is finally ready and now it's only a matter of days until we crush them.

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