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It's been a couple of days since I broke up with Sakura and I still recall the look on her face when those words came out of my mouth. It wasn't an easy choice, I just couldn't let someone hurt her... Although it was what I ended up doing.

The day after our break up I completely pushed all of our friends away and isolated myself in my bedroom, only leaving it to the essential things. Naruto was the only one who tried to talk to me in the beginning but I would always turn him down, until one day we almost had a fight at my place because he insisted I had to explain myself. Damn, who would say that me and my best friend would even think about fighting.

I basically became the person I used to be before her. I won't talk to anyone and even started to smoke and drink just to get out of the real world, even if it was for a couple of hours. This whole situation fucked my mind in so many levels. But the worst part isn't me, it's her. I just can't stop thinking about her since that day. The way she looked into my eyes as those harsh words came out of my mouth was a moment that just won't get out of my mind. I feel like shit and knowing  she is suffering as well is enough to drive me crazy. She was the best thing that ever happened to me but thanks to my cowardice I lost her. And the worst part is that I'm pretty sure she hates me now.

I'm laying down on my bed lost on my thoughts as my eyes stare at the ceiling until something hits me. I only have less than a week before leaving to the U.S. but no matter how hard I try there is  nothing I can do. Madara has a lot of power and is my legal tutor. But maybe this is for the best. Especially for her.


I'm alone on my bedroom, organizing my things to take to Australia as the loud music fills the division. The truth is I can't stop thinking about Sasuke no matter how much I try. Everything is enough to remind me of him and I can't understand why. He broke my heart and made it very clear that I meant nothing to him so I shouldn't even care about him. But on the other side, I know myself and no matter how hard it is to accept... I still love Sasuke. I sound really stupid but I just can't help it. We shared amazing moments together and that's why there's a part of me that still wants to believe he didn't mean any of those things... I want to believe he still loves me.

I let out a sigh as I shake my head, trying to get those thoughts away. I need to forget him, especially now that I have other things to think about. And with this on mind, I take a look at the pair of bags I have in front of me on the top of my bed. Soon I'll be leaving to Australia and won't have any excuses to think about Sasuke. I grab one of the bags that already has some pieces of clothes and put it on the corner of my bedroom, adding some clothes to the other. I had separated the hot and cold clothes in  two bags to make things easier and a couple of seconds later the two bags are side by side on the corner of my room. The big division is half empty and I still can't believe how far I'm going to be from home, from my friends... From him.

I turn down the music, looking at the time on my phone screen and noticing it's lunch time. For a second, I almost forget I have plans with the girls. The truth is, these last few days they have been amazing and so have the guys, especially Naruto. Because of the whole Sasuke situation we grew closer and now have a relationship like brother and sister. And every time his name comes up, Naruto always makes sure to chance the subject although I can see he's also hurt. From what he told us the day he went to Sasuke's house to talk to him, Sasuke acted like a completely different person and they almost fought if it wasn't Itachi. This isn't definitely the Sasuke I used to know... But to be honest, I don't think I ever knew him at all.

My attention suddenly gets caught by a shiny necklace that remains on my nightstand and I can't help but getting near it. I grab the material, examining it and immediately a tear falls down my cheek. The memory of Sasuke giving me this necklace immediately invades my thoughts and I can't help but smile. He gave it to me on my birthday and even planned a surprise party with all of our friends. And with this memory, more start to come and when I notice I'm putting the necklace around my neck. I look at myself in the mirror, feeling this is the right thing to do until something hits me. Sasuke became weird because of his uncle and maybe he's the one who made him break up with me. The conversation between Madara and Itachi comes to my mind and last thing I know I'm getting out of my house and going straight to other where I spent a lot of time, texting the girls on the way.


It's almost lunch time and I'm still locked in my bedroom filled with darkness, sat down in my bed. I let out a smoke ball as my eyes meet the picture standing on my secretary. It's a picture of me and Sakura the day she turned 18. I gave her a necklace she really wanted and threw her a party with everyone. She was so happy that day, especially because she knew I wasn't the romantic type. At least until I met her. She changed me in so many ways and now... I'm even worse than when we started dating in the first place.

A sigh escapes my lips as I grab the almost empty bottle of whisky, drinking the rest of the liquid. I know that no matter what I do she's  never going to leave my mind. It has been like that since I fell in love with her. But now it's too late. I'm leaving, she's leaving and there's nothing that can change that.


I arrive at the house I know so well and take deep breaths before knocking. I'm so nervous especially because I haven't seen him for a week and have no idea how he's doing. But I know I have to do this, I have to fight for us until the end... Even if he doesn't do the same. At least I can't blame myself in the end.

I gather all my courage and ring the bell, waiting for someone to open the door. A couple of seconds later the door opens and I'm face to face with Itachi who looks at me with a surprised expression. I can't blame him though, neither was I expecting to be here after all that happened.

"Hello, Sakura." He gives me a small smile. "I didn't expect to see you here but come on in." Itachi gives me space to pass and I get inside, looking around for any sign of Sasuke.

"Is he..." I don't have to say more because Itachi knows me well enough.

"He's in his bedroom. That's barely what he does every day since you two broke up." He explains, letting out a sigh. "I know it's a lot to ask but... Go easy on him, he hasn't been himself lately." I hold my breath, a little concerned with the new information. What does he mean with that?

"Don't worry." I gently smile, starting to walk towards his bedroom. As I open the door without saying a word I face myself with a whole different space. Everything's dark, there's a lot of smoke in here and I can feel the smell of alcohol. Oh God.

The Choice 2 (SasuSaku)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang