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I walk straight to my house as the recent events fly through my mind. Sakura and I are engaged and I can't help but feel very happy. I love her so much and I know we're young but we still have college and a lot ahead of us. We don't have to get married right away. Even though I didn't mind at all.

A smirk forms on my lips, wondering about our future until something catches my attention. I hear my phone ringing on my jeans pocket and quickly grab it, noticing it's Sakura. Did something happen?

The moment I hear her voice it's like the world just stops. Kabuto is in her house?! That fucking bastard, I'm going to kill him. I start heading to her house still on call with her and even hear a door closing, letting a sigh of relief escape through my lips. She's safe and I just hope she can stay hidden until I get there.

The moment I'm turning right to go to her road I hear a scream from her and Kabuto's voice through the phone. I hurry myself, running as fast as I can, calling the cops in the process. I finally see her house, noticing the living room lights on. I decide to follow through her backyard because I know where they hide the key.

In a couple of seconds I grab the key and open the door that leads to the kitchen. I start walking slowly in the direction of the living room and all I see is Kabuto laying on the floor with blood on his face and a needle next to him and Sakura about to fall. I quickly get to her side and catch her, noticing her face very pale, her neck with red hand marks all over it and that she's about to pass out any minute now.

Luckily it's Obito and Shisui who come and after I explain everything to them, they take Kabuto. After they leave I help Sakura lay on the couch as we now wait for Itachi.

In a matter of minutes I hear a horn, recognizing it and grab Sakura again in bridal style. I take her keys and lock the door, heading to Itachi's car where I lay my girlfriend in the back seat. I sit on the passenger next to Itachi and he takes off, driving to the hospital.

"What the hell happened?" My brother asks with his eyes focused on the road.

"I left Sakura home and when I was almost on our road I got a call from her saying Kabuto broke into her house." I sigh, clenching my fists. "And when I got there I saw him laying on the floor with his face bleeding and a needle next to him."

"Two things... Bloody face and a needle?!" Itachi raises his eyebrow.

"Sakura must have punched him pretty bad." I smirk, feeling proud of my girl. "And yeah... A fucking needle." I return to my serious expression.

"Could he be... Trying to kill her?" And with that my eyes widen.

"Now that you mention... I don't see another reason that explains why he had a needle with him." I bit my lip, noticing my hands getting white from the strength I was putting. "That fucking son of a-" But Itachi cuts me off.

"Sasuke, calm down. I know this is a very fucked up scenario but Sakura is alright." And I nod because I know he's right. "Now we have to focus on destroying Madara and Orochimaru."

It takes a couple more minutes to finally arrive at the hospital and when we do, I grab Sakura again. I walk inside, trying to find a doctor or a nurse when I see a woman with her blonde hair in two loose ponytails and brown eyes rushing to our encounter. Wait a second... That's Tsunade, the principal. But why is she wearing a white coat?

"Sasuke, what happened to Sakura?" She asks, making a sign to two nurses.

"She got beat up by a robber." I sigh, deciding to hide the truth. The last thing we need is more people knowing about this. "But what are you doing here?" I raise an eyebrow.

"When you guys graduated I decided to give my place to Iruka and came back to the hospital where I first worked." Tsunade gives a brief explanation. "Now, lay her in here." And I lay her in the mattress. "We're going to do some exams and then I'll come back to talk to you."

"Alright, thank you." I say, watching her nod before following the nurses.


My eyes are starting to open and all I can see is white. I look around, realizing I'm in the hospital but somehow I don't understand why. Suddenly, the memories of Kabuto breaking into my house and Sasuke showing up come to my mind as I slowly sit down. I lead a hand to my neck, noticing I have bandage around it. That idiot really hurt me.

"I see you're awake." I hear a voice speak and immediately face the person.

"Aunt?" My eyes widen, facing the woman with blonde hair and brown eyes. I never told anyone she was my aunt because back then she was our principal and the least I needed was more problems with Karin. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, in case you forgot I returned to the hospital."

"It's not that... How did you know I was here?"

"Your boyfriend brought you here." She explains, making me nod. "And I was the one who examined you."

"And is everything ok?" I face her as her expression becomes serious.

"You're alright now but... Did you know you're pregnant?"

"What?!" I feel my heartbeat fastening and my eyes widening again. "No... It can't be... It's impossible."

"I'm afraid not. You're already 6 weeks." My aunt says as I feel my whole world turning upside down. Oh God. "And luckily the robber didn't do a lot of damages or it could be worse." But a part of me isn't paying attention anymore.

"I see..." I mutter, feeling tears threatening to fall but do my best to avoid it. "Can I be alone for a while?"

"Of course, but what do you want me to tell him?"

"Tell him that I'm fine but please don't say anything about the pregnancy." I beg, noticing her expression softened. "And that he can come see me."

"Will do." She kisses my forehead before leaving the room.

I look at my flat belly, rubbing it and a small smile appears on my face. Me and Sasuke are actually going to have a baby. But while a part of me is happy with the idea the other one is in panic. After all, we're supposed to head to college next fall.

A sigh escapes through my lips as tears finally escape, running down my face. I don't know what to do but I know it's for the best if I don't tell him now. He needs to focus on ending this whole situation with Madara and when that's done... I'll see how I do this.


I keep walking from one corner to the other, waiting for some news about Sakura. Even though she didn't seem very hurt I still have no idea what happened before I showed up. And with that I let out a sigh I didn't know I was holding.

"Sasuke." A person calls me and I quickly face her.

"How's Sakura? Is she ok? Can I go see her?" I start asking a bunch of questions with concern plastered all over my face.

"Calm down. Sakura is fine, she just needs some rest." Tsunade smiles. "The robber didn't do a lot of damage. And yes, you can go see her. The room is 184." And with that she walks away.

"I'll let you go see her, little brother." Itachi stands up from his seat, leading his hand to my shoulder. "See you tomorrow and tell Sakura I wish a quick recovery." He smiles and I nod, smiling back.

"Will do, thank you."

The Choice 2 (SasuSaku)Where stories live. Discover now