Day 7 5:28 PM

706 36 22

"So where is George?" I asked Dream out of annoyance. "He said both of us will meet somehow but where is he?"

I may look worried for asking where George is. But...

"Why ask for a sudden?" Dream asked back, not answering my fucking question.

"Because he said that we'll meet. I think for finishing off, cause this is the last day of my week," I replied.

"Yes, Yes, you have said that almost multiple times," He said. "And so what now that this is your last day. Does that make any difference in your charm and courtship tricks for him?"

I guess Dream had a point for that one.

"George only gave me a week though, and maybe staying long enough could keep me invading his boundaries," I explained.

Dream pouted, and released a small laugh. Which deeply alerted me and pricked something out of my spine.

"Why are you laughing?" I made my tone a bit of a breathy laugh to not make myself being offensive.

But somehow, I could foresee the sorrow on Dream's smile. Or maybe it's just the weather. The weather probably. It had that mood that was tattooed every time you could see and feel it.

That's why I liked the stars the most.

"Nothing," he stopped slowly and breathed a heavy sigh. 'You'll never know, maybe one day or moment, he might just show that he like it,"

"What do you mean?" I looked at him, confused.

Dream laughed once again before turning to me. "Nothing, I'm just saying stuffs about possibility. Why would we just spread the happy vibe under this cold atmosphere. You know it? I knew it."

I looked away for a while and imposed a smirk. Just a smirk, with no fucking reason at all.

A notification bell ringed up on someone's phone. I grabbed mine to check it, but it was Dream's phone probably.

Because I forced to block the person that is the only one that could chat me for a day.

Dream opened his phone, and not to eavesdrop or look intentionally as I say, but I noticed Dream's lock screen wallpaper had the photo of George and him.

I feel pity, actually. But in the same time, I feel like I'm out of privilege.

Loud finger typings filled the gap between me and Dream. This time, I choose not to peak, and just sighed away as my brain was filled of boredom. To admit it, I agree that I was still a simp for George. It's funny to think, bitter to feel.

"George is here," Dream reminded my silence out from nowhere.

The fuck is this feeling. My heart beats a sudden fast, like some quick. This isn't a normal heart that is racing. I sense my own nervousness, and in the same time, I feel the butterflies rising in my stomach. I hid my smirk somewhere in my brain, and not just some time, flashes of George's smile lits up my mind. The fuck Wilbur. So how am I gonna move on now after this.

"Wilbur, you're blushing," Dream reminded. Real shit, you don't need to remind Dream. "I better leave you two, so you could have a proper conversation,"

I stopped the motion of his standing. "What? Where are you going?"

"Some grocery store or somewhere else, just to cool some things off," He then continue to stand up and walked away, setting his foot forward until he can reach the parking lot not just faraway of my sights. Without even caring to say goodbye.

I saw George going out of the car, and both of them talked some shit for a while. Of course, I couldn't hear that shit on the meter distance, but I still kept my eyes glued.

Did Anybody Ever Say No To You - (Georgebur)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora