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School had always been something Taehyun looked forward to. Even though some classes were boring, he was still very invested and interested in school. And ever since he had talked to Beomgyu, which was only yesterday, he began to love school even more.

"Something good happened?" Jake noticed that Taehyun had been wearing a subtle smile on his face the whole day.

"Yeah" Taehyun took out his lunchbox and placed it on the table. Just when he was about to take a bite of his homecooked meal, a bunch of girls approached their table.

"Taehyun! We saw you talking to the boy yesterday" One of them spoke. "He talked back didnt he? What do you know about him?" They asked excitedly.

"Yeah he did" Taehyun paused and thought for a while. Beomgyu seemed like he didn't want others to know him or bother him and Taehyun respected that. "He kept shutting me down. I think it's better to not interact with him. Leave him alone."

"Oh..." They seemed to be quite disappointed. If Taehyun, the most popular and outgoing person in school, couldn't even get close to Beomgyu, then it would be completely hopeless for the rest of them.

"Oh Taehyun, have these!" The girls gave him some of their expensive side dishes sold in the cafeteria.

"Ah... Thank you" Taehyun smiled up to them.

"You're welcome" the girls giggled before leaving.

"I could have treated you instead" Jake shook his head and ate his own portion.

"I'm more comfortable with my 'commoner's' food." Taehyun ate his rice and finished the gifted side dishes regardless of what he had said. Taehyun wasn't one to decline gifts.

"Want to hang out after school?"

"I already have plans. For about a week. Sorry Jake." Taehyun did feel a little bad that he was rejecting his friend to hang out with Beomgyu, someone he barely knew and someone who didn't even want to be friends.

"That's okay" Jake smiled. "I will be hanging out with Jay and others anyways."

"Oh okay" Taehyun finished his meal and went to rinse his lunchbox. He looked out of the glass window and saw Beomgyu under the cherry blossom tree in the distance again. He was lying on the grass, probably sleeping.

"Jake, wanna play soccer?"

"I mean... Of course? We do that everyday" Jake shot him a weird look.

"Right" Taehyun smiled as they headed out of the cafeteria and to the soccer field where their other friends were already waiting.

"He's sleeping again today" Jay whispered to Taehyun.

The blonde nodded his head. Beomgyu was sleeping indeed.

"Are you sure he's not some kind of spirit? He's so beautiful and handsome. And he isn't even one of the students."

"He's not. Didn't you see how he got hit by the ball? And Taehyun talked to him too."

"He's human" Taehyun confirmed. Beomgyu was human. Their school nurse was Beomgyu's older brother too. He was just weird and perhaps a genius? Taehyun heard all geniuses were weird and maybe that was why Beomgyu was so odd.

"What did you talk about with him yesterday? I saw you guys having a small conversation. Couldn't believe you have the confidence to actually talk to him. As expected of Kang Taehyun."

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