chapter 9

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Dash couldn't help watching Fenton throughout the showing of the movie. He half expected some jibes to be tossed his way, teasing remarks about still idolizing a ghost superhero after all these years. But Fenton was oddly quiet the whole time. Xander naturally showed his usual enthusiasm while watching the old clips from Dash's high school days, pointing out his favorite parts. Lex, meanwhile, wore a comically shocked expression with his mouth hanging open as he slapped at his father's arm or leg every so often. Fenton shared looks with his son after those moments that quickly silenced Lex from speaking like it seemed he wanted. Tension was in every muscle of Fenton's body throughout the movie, and Dash had to wonder what that was about.

Fenton's parents, as anyone that came from Amity Park would know, were obsessed with ghosts. Did that have something to do with it? Fenton didn't want his son getting interested in ghosts and following after his parents' footsteps? Dash thought maybe he should start to worry about Xander turning out like Fenton's parents, with the way his son obsessed over the old film clips.

Dash leaned on the railing of the back porch, watching as Fenton sat with Xander in his lap as he pointed out the various constellations that could be seen from the yard. Xander gasped in amazement as Fenton spoke about all the crazy knowledge he knew about stars and space. It was like listening to an encyclopedia on cassette, but Xander seemed to enjoy it. His blue eyed gaze drifted toward the other occupant in the yard. Lex sat on the step of the porch and hugged a soccer ball to his chest as he stared at his father and friend sitting only a few feet away.

"You don't want to join them?" Dash questioned curiously. "They seem like they're having fun."

Lex tilted his head up, his face scrunching up as his eyes narrowed in an expression that clearly read the boy still hated him. Dash sighed, but at least that dislike between them didn't stop Lex from being friends with Xander. "Dad does this every night," Lex murmured as he dropped his gaze back toward his father. His hands squeezed a little tighter around the soccer ball.

Dash lifted an eyebrow at the boy. "He likes space, huh?"

"Duh!" Lex gave him a look like Dash was stupid for not knowing that. "He only wanted to be an aspronot since, like, forever."

Dash glanced back toward Fenton, still wondering how the man ended up with a son that seemed to only know how to act like a brat toward him. Or did Lex simply having a problem with doctors in general? Dash wondered what sort of bad experiences the boy had with doctors to make him so antagonistic toward all of them. He recalled Fenton mentioning that they had visited several other pediatricians before coming to his office.

An uncertain look passed in Lex's eyes before he dropped his gaze to the ball in his hands. "Where," he started in a small voice, sounding shy and awkward for the first time that Dash could remember, "did Xan get his shirt?" He chewed on his lower lip as he glanced curiously up to man standing near him.

The question made Dash frown inwardly as he recalled that strange look that crossed Fenton's face when he first saw Xander, his bright blue eyes lingering on the shirt the boy wore. "I made it." This wasn't high school anymore, and he didn't feel the need to be worried about being laughed at or teased for being able to sew. It was a skill he picked up from his parents, both of whom knew how to stitch up a rip in their clothing whenever needed. His father said that it was something every navy or army man picked up and it shouldn't be considered girly. But that didn't stop Dash from keeping it secret throughout high school.

Lex shifted awkwardly where he sat, twisting the ball in his hands. "Um," he mumbled still in that strangely small voice that didn't fit with the image that Dash had in his head of the boy based on their meetings thus far, "can you make me one?" There was almost a hint of hope in his eyes.

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