Chapter 25

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*we are one away from 10 on that last chapter so i will just make this goal 10 again and i will stick by it. I need 10 votes for a new chapter.*

"Why exactly are you having a panic attack?" Kwan asked, holding his cell phone trapped between his shoulder and ear as he reached out to pick up one of the prepackaged sandwiches to give it a look over. It was a ham and cheese sandwich, and he squinted at it then made a face as he tossed it back on the shelf. Maybe he would be better off fixing his own dinner, but he wasn't feeling in the mood to do any cooking.

"Because I only just met this guy," Paulina said, and from the sounds reaching through the phone, she was likely hiding out in the bathroom of the restaurant to make the phone call. "He's nice and all, but you know I don't have the greatest track record with guys."

Kwan chuckled as he shook his head, moving through the aisle to look for something to grab for his dinner. "And you know I have a terrible track record all around. But hey, Steven sounds like a normal enough guy. That's definitely a plus." All the men that worked with Paulina, at least when it came to the models that he met through her, tended to be superficial and completely self absorbed.

"But that Dan guy seems pretty interested in you."

Kwan froze at that comment, staring at the selection of salads before him without really seeing them. "What?" he questioned numbly. "How do you even know Dan?"

"I met him last week," Paulina answered, and Kwan could imagine her tilting her head with a look of confusion at his question. "He was asking about you."

Kwan shook his head, deciding to redirect the conversation back onto his friend. "Paulina, you are a bright, intelligent, and as you are very well aware of, drop dead gorgeous woman. If this Steven guy can't see how great you are, then he is a blind idiot and doesn't deserve you. Has he shown you any sign that he's going to turn out like any of your past boyfriends?"

"No." From Paulina's tone, Kwan could almost see her rolling emerald eyes at him. "I'm mean," she continued, "that first night, we spent hours just talking to each other, and it was great. And he's on the handsome side, so that's always a plus. And he's been really nice, and he likes to paint on the weekend. But that's why I'm getting all nervous. It's almost too perfect. I wished to meet a nice guy like Danny. And one just happens to show up on my doorstep? That kind of thing doesn't normally happen in real life."

"Paulina," Kwan sighed as he walked around to the next aisle, "stop making yourself freak out. You're only thinking it's too perfect because it's the first time you're in a relationship where the guy isn't a total jerk. And you're going to make him start thinking you have some sort of bladder problem if you keep sitting in the bathroom to talk with me."

"I know. But I've never had a normal relationship before. Not really. Not with a nice guy. What if I mess it up and lose him?"

"You're not going to mess it up, and you're not going to lose him. Just get back out there and enjoy your dinner with him."

"Yeah, you're right. I'll talk to you later, Kwan."

After saying his goodbye, Kwan hung up his phone and shoved it back into his pocket. Paulina was off on a date with Steven. Dash was doing the sleepover thing. Kwan frowned as he realized his night would be spent eating at his apartment by himself. He walked to the frozen food section of the store. There was always the option of going out somewhere, like Bob's Bar and Grill, but the idea of dealing with some woman flirting with him left a sour taste in his mouth. He didn't want to be bothered by someone looking for a quick up. He found a microwavable lasagna that didn't look like it would be half bad. With that and a liter of diet soda in hand, he headed for an open checkout lane. After he paid for his items, he left the grocery store and headed for his car.

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