Chapter 32

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"You're really regretting telling him, aren't you?" Dan asked carefully as his dark blue eyes slid toward his younger half.

Danny shot him an annoyed glare over the top of his laptop while he worked on his next novel. Then he released a tired sigh. "I think Kwan is capable of keeping a secret," he admitted, though he frowned as he tapped his fingers absently over the keys of the laptop. "But if I just gave away my biggest secret to someone and you ruin things with him, I will kick your gluteus maximus and banish you from ever seeing Lex again."

"That's why I've been trying to be honest with him," Dan said with his chin resting on one hand. A week already passed since the whole big reveal to Kwan happened, but every time Dan went to meet the man, things remained a bit strained between them. He sighed internally, wondering how long the man needed to fully accept the reality presented to him. He knew it was a lot to take in all at once, but the small chat between them was driving him mad. "I've seen enough relationships go to-" He glanced at the blond boy sitting at the end of the table with a book before him. Lex's mouth moved as his finger ran over the lines of text in the children's book. "I've seen enough couples break up when lies start getting thrown into the mix. That's why I was trying not to make stuff up whenever he asked me stuff. But," he waved his free hand, "obviously there was a lot I couldn't say because of you."

Danny sighed as he closed his laptop. "So do you want to explain this whole you liking Kwan thing? Because it's seriously throwing my head through a loop trying to figure out why you," he pointed a finger at his evil future, "have feelings for another guy. Because I swear, if this is just a game to you-" His face was livid with anger.

"It's not a game," Dan cut off in a very serious tone. "I'm quite serious about my interest in him, and I don't intend to ruin things." Meeting Danny's gaze, Dan smirked, unable to resist a little teasing. "But really, Danny, think about it. If Vlad isn't gay, as his obsession with your mom should tell you, what would my," he pressed a hand to his chest, "being gay tell you?"

"You have no idea how much I want to blast you in the face right now," Danny grumbled with a scowl, but Dan could just barely see that questioning flicker in those bright blue eyes. The doorbell rang, and with a tired sigh, Danny set his laptop on the coffee table before he stood and headed toward the front hall to answer the door.

Dan scooted down to where Lex sat and leaned over to look at the book. "Enjoying the story, little bro?" He picked the blond boy up and settled him into the lap. "Which story are you reading?"

Lex tilted his head back to stare up at Dan. "Athea in the Dark Kingdom," he answered with a bright grin. "She's going to take down the evil king that's impre- impra-"

"Imprisoned her?" Dan offered, and Lex nodded in response.

"Isn't strange how adorable he looks with a child?" Danny questioned, drawing Dan's attention to where his younger half stood in the doorway with another man at his side. "Sometimes, if I squint really hard, I can almost imagine him having a child of his own." He grinned with a gleam in his eyes that told Dan the half ghost was enjoying this opportunity for payback against all those times that Dan teased him.

"Oh, so hilarious." Dan rolled his eyes as he picked Lex up and set the boy on his feet. His gaze drifted toward Kwan as he stood, shoving his hands in his pockets. He could feel the awkwardness already settling over them, and he really hated that. Having Danny reveal the truth to Kwan was supposed to help them grow closer, not drive this uncomfortable wedge between them.

"Well, I think it's time for another training session," Danny said, breaking the silence that fell over them. "Lex and I will be down in the lab." He picked up his son and left the room.

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