Chapter 43

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Dash woke shivering despite being bundled up under the covers on his bed. Forcing his eyes open, he stared blearily about his room, but his sleepy mind refused to make the connection right away as flakes of white drifted past his eyes. Shooting up in his bed, he rubbed at his eyes then stared at the snow lazily floating through the air and melting away before reaching the floor. With a sigh, he resisted the urge to go yell at Fenton. The man's powers had acted up ever since he got the ghost bug, and he could hardly help the fact that every time he sneezed, it caused some kind of freezing effect, even if it caused Dash some major frustration.

Climbing out of bed, he left his bedroom and walked down the hall to his son's bedroom. When he cracked the door open, Dash smirked, not surprised to find Xander already awake. His son was standing atop his bed with his head tilted back and his tongue sticking out as he tried to catch the snowflakes on his tongue. It only took a minute before Xander noticed his father leaning against the doorframe.

"Daddy, look! Snow!" Xander grinned widely as he pointed at the flakes falling in his room.

"I see that." With a chuckle, Dash walked over and picked up his son. He lifted Xander up into the air, gaining a giggle from the boy before setting him down on the floor. "But that doesn't mean you're going to get to skip school. So get dressed while I fix breakfast. Kwan should be here soon to pick you up."

"Aw!" Xander pouted at his father. "Lex isn't going to come today?"

"I think it's probably wise to keep him home one more day." Dash gazed at the snow. Even if their throats were feeling better today, they were clearly still suffering from some side effects of the ghost bug. "Come on. Time to get dressed." He nudged Xander over to his dresser so that the boy could pick out what clothes he wanted to wear.

Dash left the decision to his son as he walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen. If Xander didn't come downstairs within ten minutes, Dash would have to check on him to make sure his son didn't get caught up playing with the snow. Half a smile stretched across his face as he grabbed the eggs from the refrigerator. A part of him inside was freaking out that it was snowing in the house. Another part was still running around screaming over the fact that Fenton was his hero back when he was a teenager. If he was being truly honest with himself, Phantom remained his hero to this day, but it seemed rather embarrassing to confess that he was still such a huge fan out loud.

Dash finished cooking the scrambled eggs, with extra cheese by the time his son came trotting into the kitchen. Xander wore a white jersey with a red four on it. Though his son hadn't shown interest in playing sports until Lex turned up, he liked wearing the jersey with his father's old Casper High football number on it, which made Dash feel probably a little too proud. After serving up the eggs on two plates, he carried them, and forks, into the dining room where Xander climbed onto his usual chair.

"Xander, I know it's very exciting to wake up to snow in your bedroom, but you can't go babbling about that to anyone." Dash gave his son a very stern look as Xander shoveled a forkful of eggs into his mouth. "It's very important that no one else knows about Lex and his father."

"I know!" Xander sighed dramatically, like he was sick of being told the same thing over and over again. "I'm not going to tell. I promised. And," he frowned, poking at his eggs with his fork, "I don't want Lex to hate me."

"Lex isn't going to hate you," Dash assured his son. "And we're only reminding you about this because it's important that you don't let anything slip out. Here at home, when it's just us, it's okay. But when you're out of the house and around other people, you have to be quiet about it. No matter how tempting it is to tell someone that Lex and his father have these powers."

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