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Semaji// Tuesday 12:30pm

We was still driving but we were now in dover , I was happy to see my dad and my sister , we haven't seen em in years .

We had 20 more minutes to go and Raymond and milly were sleeping . We stopped at gas stations and used the bathroom and shit like that .

After 20 minutes we pulled up and my dad , his wife, my sister and his two other kids came out , his wife was like a mother to us, I can't count how many times I called her at 1am crying and she listened .

I got out the car and run up to my dad .

"HI babygirl" my dad said hugged me . I let go and went and hugged my step mother .

"You get more and more beautiful" she said , my brother hugged my dad and I hugged my siblings .

"I missed u guys" I said hugged My sister .

"We missed u guys to" my dad and step mother said. Everybody else was in the car still sleep .

"Who did u guys bring" my dad said .

"My bestfriend milly , u guys know her already , and our friend Raymond and our other friend tayshawn is coming later on"  My father nodded .

"Well go wake them up and then yall can all head to bed " my step mother said and we nodded . I went and woke up Raymond and my brother woke up milly , we got our stuff and showed them they bedrooms

and me and my brother went back downstairs w our family .

" damn pops you getting old " my brother said and we all laughed .

"Says the boy that's about to be 20, u about to be old like yo pops" my dad said .

"Na not in a million years"

"Go get some sleep " my dad said and we nodded and started walking upstairs

"Goodnight kids" my stepmother yelled.

"Goodnight love yall" me and my brother said at the same time .

I went in my bed and laid there , this was so much peaceful and felt like home , my mom never brought us down here but one time and we only stayed for like 2 hours .

And she dragged us out after them 2 hours because she hated how my step mother tried helping us or would try and be there for us and she would get mad at my dad for his wife not knowing her boundaries.

I soon fell asleep .

I woke up to my step mother waking me up .
The next day

"Honey wake up its like 3pm" I woke up and she sat on the bed .

"How have you been " I leaned up .

"I been okay"

" I know your mom came back and stuff" I nodded .

" you guys can stay here as long as u need until she's gone" she said putting her hands on mine . This woman was probably more of a mom to me then my mom .

" thanks ma" I smiled.

"Of course "

"Ur dad made u some food cause everybody else ate and he wanted u to eat" I nodded and she walked out so I can shower and etc .

I got up and got in the shower and get ready , it already late in the day so I jus put on something comfortable.

I went downstairs and my dad was sitting down and everybody else was outside .

"Hey kid"

"Hey pops"

"How was ur long ass nap"  I laughed

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